全球精选 | BHP 墨尔本总部,置身地质奇观!

    伍兹贝格建筑设计事务所 · 2024-03-26 08:11:41

全球精选 | BHP 墨尔本总部,置身地质奇观!
全球精选 | BHP 墨尔本总部,置身地质奇观!

近期,伍兹贝格受必和必拓 (BHP) 委托,翻新了其位于墨尔本柯林斯街 171 号的全球总部办公空间。 新空间的成功,得益于双方在长达十年的合作下建立起来的深厚信任与默契。

Woods Bagot’s Melbourne studio has redesigned the workspace for BHP’s global headquarters in 171 Collins Street. Backed by a ten-year history of co-authorship and collaboration, client and designer have an established relationship of trust and understanding, working together on the brief for the workplace refurbishment.

全球精选 | BHP 墨尔本总部,置身地质奇观!


As a counterpoint to the conventional corporate fitout, Woods Bagot designs a narrative-driven workspace featuring layered design techniques, expressive gestures and textural surfaces in a poetic response to BHP’s physical land assets.

全球精选 | BHP 墨尔本总部,置身地质奇观!

为减少传统办公场所翻新所产生的大量浪费,伍兹贝格在 BHP 墨尔本总部空间的设计中加入了很多资源循环利用和保护方面的创新思考。

Given the extensive waste generated from typical workplace refurbishments, BHP showcases how excellence in design can come from innovative thinking around reuse and retention.


Bronwyn McColl

全球精选 | BHP 墨尔本总部,置身地质奇观!

团队以“大胆” 为设计主线。 首先, 总部空间被大胆地从五层缩减至两层半,同时承载原有的功能需求;其次,缩小后的总部需满足业主及相关利益方的一致诉求:与场址产生联系、引入可持续设计、尊重文化多样性和包容性。

‘Brave’ was the keyword that guided the team for the Melbourne headquarters, beginning with the reduction in the overall workspace from five to two-and-a-half floors. The smaller space needed to support a weighty brief, with themes emerging from stakeholder engagement including: connection to site, embedded sustainability, and respect for diversity and inclusion.

全球精选 | BHP 墨尔本总部,置身地质奇观!

翻新设计的重点之一在于建立墨尔本总部空间与所在场址的联结, 这也是此前的空间所缺少的部分。 伍兹贝格团队提取所在地的地质特征,并将其抽象成独特的室内设计纹理和色调,从而在室内与场地环境之间建立起深刻的联系。

The Melbourne headquarters represents a unique proposition as the only Australian BHP office with no associated asset within the state. Consequently, the HQ needed to forge a sense of connection to the land through the interior design, with the textural and tonal scheme representing an abstraction of the geologies and striation of BHP’s sites.

全球精选 | BHP 墨尔本总部,置身地质奇观!

“这样的设计不仅能够推进全球业务往来,更希望让在城市CBD工作的员工们能亲身感受到 BHP 对于在地社区和文化的关注。 ” 资深室内设计师 Simone Lockley 表示。

“It was about creating a connection to site through the spatial design and material palette,” says senior interior designer Simone Lockley,“When we talk about connection to site in Melbourne, it’s about connecting to the global business and ensuring people who are typically CBD-based can engage with what the organisation is doing on the ground through the design.”

全球精选 | BHP 墨尔本总部,置身地质奇观!

最终的空间呈现极具诗意和标识性:柔和朴实、细腻包容、自然共生。 ”伍兹贝格希望打造一个有机的空间形态,蜿蜒的动线自场地中央开始向四周发散,让访客和员工踏上一趟温暖、包容的空间旅程。“ Lockley 补充道。合作的品牌工作室 Studio Ongarato 还从本地绘图图案中得到启发,设计了焰色饰面和隐私贴纸。

The resulting space is a poetic expression of physical land sites, legible in the subdued, earthy tones, soft detailing, and organic inserts. “The planning strategy was based around organic forms that sit in the middle of the floor plate, creating a meandering circulation path to mimic the topography of the land, as well as providing legible, inclusive paths of travel,” says Lockley. W-B worked with branding and wayfinding experts Studio Ongarato, who built on the brief and created flamed copper room signage and privacy decals inspired by cartographical patterns.

全球精选 | BHP 墨尔本总部,置身地质奇观!

多元的空间造型和饰面色调的另一灵感来源是 BHP 的主要矿产资源。孕育矿产的大地被当地艺术家 Scanlan 和 Makers 转译为手工绘制的墙壁肌理;金属氧化的过程则呈现为蓝绿色调的空间。

Forms and finishes have been pulled from the terrain, with the colour palette drawing inspiration from BHP’s global portfolio of commodities. The textural painted walls by local artisans Scanlan and Makers are hand-applied with a satisfying terrestrial quality to evoke the tones of the earth, while the cooler contrasting blues and greens of upholstery and joinery evoke the metal oxidisation process.

全球精选 | BHP 墨尔本总部,置身地质奇观!

“BHP 墨尔本总部成功地反映出公司的核心资产、使命及价值观,同时又将我们的品牌形象恰到好处地融入空间设计。” BHP 设计、房地产和工作场所负责人 Kylie Holton 表示。

“One of the successes of our Melbourne office is how well the design reflects BHP’s assets, mission and core values, expressing our brand identity through the interior design,” says BHP’s Principal for Design, Property and Workplace Kylie Holton.

BHP 一直优先关注员工的安全及健康。因此,墨尔本总部空间的设计是有机的、 温暖的、人性化的,这里有为员工设置的健康空间,专门供他们休息、静思。

Employee safety and wellbeing are BHP’s highest priority, both onsite and off, and this is reflected in the warm and transparent interior plan with dedicated wellness spaces for retreat and quiet reflection.

全球精选 | BHP 墨尔本总部,置身地质奇观!
全球精选 | BHP 墨尔本总部,置身地质奇观!
全球精选 | BHP 墨尔本总部,置身地质奇观!

“空间中广泛分布的’凹室‘,不仅可以用来陈列艺术品和纪念品,同时还充当着空间的关键地标,起着引导作用,让人们一边随之探索空间,一边感受 BHP 的丰厚历史底蕴。 ”Lockley 解释道。

“Within the organic forms, we scooped out alcoves for art and objects, which create key landmarks and subtly inform wayfinding throughout the space while sharing stories of BHP’s history,” says Lockley.

全球精选 | BHP 墨尔本总部,置身地质奇观!
全球精选 | BHP 墨尔本总部,置身地质奇观!

BHP 墨尔本总部翻新期间,伍兹贝格和客户团队积极推行可持续实践,鼓励资源再利用,使用可再生材料减少浪费,以及尽可能做到保留改造而非拆除。例如, 一楼商务贵宾室保留了原有的夹层及特色铝折叠天花,并新增玻璃隔板为空间带来更大的灵活性。

Reuse and repurposing were a large part of the client brief, with BHP encouraging sustainable practices through the revitalisaiton of existing materials during the fitout. A large portion of the business lounge on ground floor has been retained, including the mezzanine configuration and the feature aluminium folded ceiling, with the addition of glazed partitions for greater flexibility. On the upper floors, stone cladding is reconceived in the joinery, with silver travertine repurposed in benchtops in the kitchens and boardroom.

全球精选 | BHP 墨尔本总部,置身地质奇观!

现有的大部分办公家具也被保留并重新安置在不同的空间;此外被保留的还有公区特色金属网状天花以及中央楼梯,新的木制踏板和扶手为中央楼梯带来了更好的触感。“我们还与社区合作,捐赠部分办公家具,在环保的同时也为他人创造更好的工作环境。” Holton表示。

A large part of BHP’s existing furniture catalogue has been revived and redeployed throughout the space, while a range of ceilings have been retained and repainted, including feature metal mesh ceilings over the common areas. The central stairwell underwent a “light touch” refurbishment, stripped back to its base, with timber treads and handrail introduced for a tactile user experience. “The Melbourne project had a mandate to reduce waste to achieve our environmentally sustainable design objectives,” says Holton. “It was rewarding to go on the journey to creatively reuse and repurpose construction materials, and to partner with community groups for office furniture donations improving other people’s work environments.”

全球精选 | BHP 墨尔本总部,置身地质奇观!
全球精选 | BHP 墨尔本总部,置身地质奇观!

基于BHP 的灵活工作原则,伍兹贝格还与其各专门小组合作,从LGBTQI+到技术再到健康及安全运营小组,共同打造出一个高度灵活且多元的办公空间。在这里, 员工拥有很大的自主权,能够在适合自己的场所或空间自由切换。

Guided by BHP’s internal flexible working principles, the new workplace is designed with a range of typologies to suit diverse working styles. W-B worked closely with BHP’s specialist teams – including BHP’s LGBTQI+ inclusion group Jasper, Amber, BHP’s Accessibility and Inclusion Network, BHP Technology, and Operations & Security for health, safety and wellness – to create an agile workspace that encourages hybrid workstyles within diverse settings, returning autonomy to the user.

全球精选 | BHP 墨尔本总部,置身地质奇观!
全球精选 | BHP 墨尔本总部,置身地质奇观!

此外,空间中其他色彩的加入也为空间带来更多氛围感。粉色、蓝色和绿色的柔和色调主要用休憩空间,用来安定心神,放松自我;而大胆的鲜明色调则用在 激发活力和交流的区域,为员工打开思绪,增加创造力。

The design team also carried out a study of colour composition as a device for supporting quiet focus and energetic collaboration, with pinks and blues, and greens setting a calmer tenor in the wellness and retreat spaces, versus activated zones with accents of bold, contrasting core colours to promote dynamism and exchange.

全球精选 | BHP 墨尔本总部,置身地质奇观!
全球精选 | BHP 墨尔本总部,置身地质奇观!

这也让新的 BHP 墨尔本总部更像是一个色调丰富的绿洲。巧妙的分层设计勾勒出一个充满质感和触感的活力空间,让人仿佛置身于地质奇观之中。

The completed workplace is a tonal oasis with layered design devices, creating a tactile and textural interior space that evokes the geologies of the earth.

全球精选 | BHP 墨尔本总部,置身地质奇观!

项目名称: BHP墨尔本总部

项目业主: BHP

项目地址: 墨尔本,澳大利亚

总设计面积: 6,500 平方米

服务内容: 办公室内

竣工时间: 2023 年


Project Name: BHP Workplace, Melbourne

Client: BHP

Location: Melbourne, Australia

Size: 6,500 sqm

Service: Workplace Interior

Completion Date: 2023


2024-03-26 08:11:41






