全球精选 | 25 Martin Place 引领悉尼中央商务区重焕生机!

    伍兹贝格建筑设计事务所 · 2024-03-07 16:03:19

全球精选 | 25 Martin Place 引领悉尼中央商务区重焕生机!
全球精选 | 25 Martin Place 引领悉尼中央商务区重焕生机!

在悉 尼中央商务区,街道重新变得熙熙攘攘、人来车往。随着越来越多的员工回归办公空间 (目前已接近疫情前的水平),这里缺失四年多的活力回来了!

Sydney’s CBD is back in business. Streets are busy, buses and trains crowded as office worker numbers close on pre-pandemic levels, bringing an energy to central Sydney that’s been missing the past four years.

全球精选 | 25 Martin Place 引领悉尼中央商务区重焕生机!

*房地产服务公司世邦魏理仕(CBRE)的数据显示:悉尼中央商务区的上班族人数接近 2019 年的 75%,高于 2023 年的 49%,成为澳大利亚各大城市中增长最为显著的。在高峰时段,这一比例甚至能够达到83%。

以 25 Martin Place 为核心的商圈表现尤为明显。作为悉尼中央商务区复兴的催化剂,该项目耗资 1.7 亿美元,由业主 Dexus 委托伍兹贝格与 Harry Seidler & Associates 合力改造及扩建,后者的创始人 Harry Seidler 正是项目前身 MLC Center (建成于 1978 年)的设计者,也被公认为澳大利亚最伟大的建筑师之一。

Nowhere is this more obvious than the bustling retail precinct anchored by 25 Martin Place, a key catalyst of Sydney CBD’s revival thanks to a $170 million redesign, update and expansion commissioned by owner Dexus and led by Woods Bagot, working with Harry Seidler & Associates. Previously known as MLC Centre, it opened in 1978 and was designed by Harry Seidler, acknowledged as one of Australia’s greatest architects.

全球精选 | 25 Martin Place 引领悉尼中央商务区重焕生机!

这是一次重大的城市更新。我们的设计带来了 更多可用空间,提升了周边街道的可步行性,改善了这一片区的零售和餐饮氛围并为之注入新的活力。

This is a massive urban renewal piece,” says Domenic Alvaro, Global Design Leader at Woods Bagot, “We’ve added more area, increased the viability of all the streetscapes and it’s been a catalyst for rejuvenating retail and dining in Sydney’s CBD.


Domenic Alvaro

全球精选 | 25 Martin Place 引领悉尼中央商务区重焕生机!

该片区,按照 Harry Seidler 原本的 构想,是打造一个“城中城”,整合区域内的主要建筑,并成为一个全天候、全周期的娱乐、时尚、零售、餐饮和文化枢纽。 本案, 直通悉尼城市心脏 - 马丁广场的 25 Martin Place 包括了一个 68 层的办公楼、一个露天广场、皇家剧院(Theatre Royal)、酒吧、咖啡馆、餐厅、美食广场和多层零售空间。

With direct access to Martin Place, Sydney’s civic heart, 25 Martin Place includes a 68-level office tower, an openair plaza, the Theatre Royal, bars, cafes, restaurants, food court and retail over a multi-level podium. The precinct, envisioned by Harry Seidler as a ‘city within a city’, occupies most of a block and is a hub for entertainment, fashion, retail, dining and culture throughout the day and night, seven days a week.

全球精选 | 25 Martin Place 引领悉尼中央商务区重焕生机!

设计利用了其面向国王街(King Street)和卡斯尔雷街(Castlereagh Street)- 澳大利亚主要的奢侈品购物区的地理优势,并重新设计沿街展示面 ,引入时尚品牌 Valentino、Dolce & Gabbana、Brunello Cucinelli、Missoni 和 Stylerunner 。这也是项目最后完工的部分。

It has frontages to King and Castlereagh Streets, Australia’s prime luxury shopping precinct, which the redesign leverages with five new high-end shopfronts leased to fashion brands Valentino, Dolce & Gabbana, Brunello Cucinelli, Missoni and Stylerunner; it’s the final component of 25 Martin Place to open.

全球精选 | 25 Martin Place 引领悉尼中央商务区重焕生机!

”我们希望创造一个拥有公共画廊般体验的奢华区域。” Alvaro表示, “ 以完全通透的设计最大化这些主力店的视觉陈列,让它们就像是设在街边的双层公共画廊,行人不必进去就能有美的体验。” 其中一个重要的设计举措在于突出现有的建筑表达和地标感,并将其融入整个高奢零售片区。 值得一提的是 皇家剧院的入口,尤为壮观。

Alvaro from Woods Bagot says he wanted to create a luxury zone that felt like a public gallery experience. “The whole strategy was about full transparency and celebrating the visual merchandising of these great anchor tenants,” Alvaro says. “They’re galleries, a public viewing gallery on the street. People don’t have to go in to benefit. They’re double-height and they’re bringing transparency into the public realm.” rewrite in chinese. One of the important design moves was highlighting so-called icons, circular structures positioned in key corner locations by Harry Seidler and incorporating them into the luxury retail zone. The best example is spectacular Theatre Royal icon and entry.

全球精选 | 25 Martin Place 引领悉尼中央商务区重焕生机!

“我们的设计力求保留这一建筑遗产,而不是与其对抗,通过完全透明的零售体验来强化历史建筑的标志性。 建筑的环形结构不仅使塔楼拥有独特的视觉表达,同时与街道界面形成独特的关系。例如,Valentino 旗舰店以前是塔楼的入口,现在我们将入口打开,连接街道。”

“Our design celebrates the icons. We didn’t want to fight with the Seidler history, instead we opted to reinforce the icons by having a completely transparent retail experience. The circles create this unique relationship to street frontage and the tower expression. Valentino store used to be the tower entry. Now we made the entrance off the street.”

全球精选 | 25 Martin Place 引领悉尼中央商务区重焕生机!

*高力零售分析师 Nik Potter 表示,“悉尼中央商务区对奢侈品零售空间的需求非常强烈。25 Martin Place 的开发为一些全球品牌在悉尼市场站稳脚跟带来了机遇。奢侈品梯队,Cartier, Louis Vuitton, Dior, Chanel, Hermes, Tiffany, Bally, Boss, Bvlgari, Rolex, Patek Philippe, Hublot, Montblanc, Chopard 等众多品牌都在该区域开设了旗舰店。”在过去两年中,由于消费者对高端商品的需求不断上升,尤其是千禧一代和Z世代,该区域已经开设了24个主要奢侈品牌零售店,有时一些旗舰店甚至还会排起长队。“

“我们看到奢侈品零售的发展正在由体验驱动的,与网购相比,这是他们形成差异化的关键。 ”高力零售分析师 Nik Potter 表示,"如果要买一块价值 1.5万美元的手表或包包,人们更希望到店里享受一杯香槟,体验一下花这笔钱的感觉,而不是网购然后等送货上门。 ”

“We see the luxury retail trend being driven by experience – it’s a real differentiation compared to online,” Potter says. “If people are buying a $15,000 watch or handbag, they want to go into the store, enjoy a glass of champagne and an experience for spending that money. “They don’t want to buy it online and wait for it to be delivered their house.”

全球精选 | 25 Martin Place 引领悉尼中央商务区重焕生机!
全球精选 | 25 Martin Place 引领悉尼中央商务区重焕生机!

此外,伍兹贝格为 25 Martin Place 创造出一个独特的有机“缎带” ,基于现有的建筑结构,设计团队在可适性再利用的原则下,将整个开发项目统一起来。 “缎带设计语言的重点在于让新旧建筑实现独立表达,同时更好地呈现新与旧的碰撞和融合。” Alvaro 表示。

Woods Bagot’s new design for 25 Martin Place strives to preserve the existing Seidler legacy through adaptive reuse of the existing precast architecture expression while creating a distinctly new organic ‘ribbon’ to unite the entire development’s composition. “The point of the new ribbon language is creating an independent expression so the old and new could be expressed independently,” says Alvaro.

全球精选 | 25 Martin Place 引领悉尼中央商务区重焕生机!
全球精选 | 25 Martin Place 引领悉尼中央商务区重焕生机!

"这样的设计也给了我们很大的灵活性,让我们可以创造出与老建筑相得益彰的新空间。同时,这也意味着我们为 25 Martin Place 创造出一个生动的新形象,留下了新的建筑遗产:一座 7x24 小时的城市活力之所。” 伍兹贝格自下而上的商业规划不仅使 25 Martin Place 焕发新貌,更结合了公共空间、零售和商业三大元素,为城市注入活力,并继续作为悉尼城市地标、延续成功。

“This gives us a lot of flexibility in how we created new space that complemented the old building. It also meant we were able to create a new vivid identity for the future of 25 Martin Place. The new legacy is that this is a day-night city building that has 24-hour vibrancy.” Woods Bagot’s bottom-up retailing reinvigorates the podium and activates the city streets with the marriage of three elements: public space, retail and commercial identity and continue its success of the MLC Centre as a new urban icon - 25 Martin Place.

全球精选 | 25 Martin Place 引领悉尼中央商务区重焕生机!

项目名称: 25 Martin Place

项目业主: DEXUS


总设计面积: 6,500 平方米

服务内容: 建筑设计

竣工时间: 2021 年


Harry Seidler & Associates, 360 Degrees Landscape, Arup Specialist Lighting, Frost*collective, Urbanite (wayfinding)

摄影师: Trevor Mein

Project Name: 25 Martin Place

Location: Sydney, Australia

Client: DEXUS

Size: 6,500 sqm

Completion: 2021


Harry Seidler & Associates, 360 Degrees Landscape, Arup Specialist Lighting, Frost*collective, Urbanite (wayfinding)

Photographer: Trevor Mein

2024-03-07 16:03:19






