MVRDV 西班牙「戈米拉」街区更新,为优衣库2024春夏系列带来色彩斑斓的城市布景

    MVRDV · 2024-03-07 15:58:00

日前,由MVRDV和GRAS Reynés Arquitectos共同完成的西班牙马略卡岛「戈米拉街区更新计划」成为优衣库与英国设计师Clare Waight Keller 2024 联名春夏系列的户外“秀场”。颜色鲜明独特的七栋建筑营造了层次丰富的城市布景。

Gomila Project, jointly completed by MVRDV and GRAS Reynés Arquitectos, is featured in UNIQLO's latest campaign by Clare Waight Keller. We are very happy that our colourful collection of buildings in Mallorca is getting attention.

马略卡岛是西班牙最负盛名的旅游目的地之一,岛上的港口城市帕尔马正在进行一系列的街区改造,复兴日益衰退的千年古城,位于中心地带的El Terreno 街区也逐步成为更具活力和可持续发展的绿色居住区,MVRDV 改造了位于街区内的四座建筑,同时新建三座新的建筑,每座建筑都有独特的颜色、材料和屋顶形态,打造与地中海生活方式相融合的宜居环境。

Renovating four existing buildings and adding three new ones, Project Gomila represents an opportunity to reinvigorate the neighbourhood of El Terreno in Palma, Mallorca as a vibrant, green, sustainable residential neighbourhood. Each of the buildings have their own unique character derived from their colours, materials, and rooflines, together forming a distinctive place that is in tune with the Mediterranean lifestyle.

MVRDV 西班牙「戈米拉」街区更新,为优衣库2024春夏系列带来色彩斑斓的城市布景

图片 image: © MVRDV & GRAS

El Terreno 街区毗邻港口,街区中心即是戈米拉广场 (Plaza Gomila),是帕尔马盛极一时的历史文化街。直到20世纪90年代前,这里曾是帕尔马诸多艺术家和文学家的居住地,是当地的文化枢纽,并以其丰富的夜生活而闻名。著名音乐家、“摇滚乐史上最伟大的乐手”吉米·亨德里克斯 (Jimi Hendrix) ,节奏蓝调音乐先驱雷·查尔斯 (Ray Charles) 和流行乐巨星汤姆·琼斯 (Tom Jones) 等都曾先后在这里的夜店登台演出。之后逐步衰落。

Centred around Plaza Gomila, close to the city’s harbour, El Terreno is among Palma’s most historic neighbourhoods. Until the 1990s, it was a cultural hub – home to many of the city’s famous artists and writers and known for its nightlife, with famous performances by musicians such as Jimi Hendrix, Ray Charles, and Tom Jones in its bohemian nightclubs. However, it has recently seen a long period of neglect and decline.

MVRDV 西班牙「戈米拉」街区更新,为优衣库2024春夏系列带来色彩斑斓的城市布景

图片 Ima ge © Daria Scagliola

在经历了较长时间的衰落后,拥有西班牙著名鞋履品牌「看步 Camper」的 Fluxà 家族购买了戈米拉广场周围的地块并启动了复兴计划,继承并发扬 Camper 为传统注入创新与创意的品牌精神。作为复兴计划的一部分,戈米拉街区改造意在复苏街区的历史精髓,延续马略卡人对这里的记忆。

The Fluxà Family, owners of the Mallorca-based Camper shoe brand, purchased a series of neighbouring plots around the Plaza and asked MVRDV and GRAS to develop a renewal plan that echoed Camper’s philosophy of combining heritage with innovation and creativity. The resulting designs, collectively named Project Gomila, aim to recover the essence of a neighbourhood that occupies a lasting place in the memory of many Mallorcans.

MVRDV 西班牙「戈米拉」街区更新,为优衣库2024春夏系列带来色彩斑斓的城市布景

图片 Image © Daria Scagliola

「戈米拉中心」是更新计划中街区的核心建筑,曾由西班牙建筑师 Pere Nicolau 于1979年进行翻新设计,MVRDV的设计方案在该建筑的首层空间开辟了宽敞的庭院

Forming the heart of the neighbourhood, the Gomila Center is a renovation of a 1979 design by architect Pere Nicolau with a spacious patio as its central feature

七栋风格各异的建筑,每栋都采用不同的颜色和材料,增加了 60 间不同风格和大小的可租赁公寓,供在周边地区工作的当地居民使用,此外还设置了商业空间。地中海的灿烂阳光为明亮的色彩赋予更高的饱和度,彰显街区复兴的活力。每栋建筑不仅拥有自己的特色,还配备独特的设施,公共空间包含餐厅和酒吧,街区居民还可享受游泳池等设施。

The seven diverse buildings, each executed in a different colour and material, add 60 rental homes in a variety of styles and sizes intended for local inhabitants who work in the surrounding area, as well as additional commercial space. The many bright colours, emphasised by the Mediterranean sun, advertise the vibrancy and rejuvenation of the neighbourhood. Each of the buildings brings not only its own character, but also unique amenities, with facilities such as restaurants and bars being public while amenities such as pools are accessible to residents of all buildings within the plan.

MVRDV 西班牙「戈米拉」街区更新,为优衣库2024春夏系列带来色彩斑斓的城市布景

图片 Image © Daria Scagliola

Las Casitas 红色联排别墅的屋顶上设置了景观露台,为附近的居民提供了社交空间

The red townhouses known as Las Casitas are topped by a landscape of rooftop terraces allowing neighbouring residents to socialise together

MVRDV 西班牙「戈米拉」街区更新,为优衣库2024春夏系列带来色彩斑斓的城市布景

可持续示意图 Sustainability Diagram : © MVRDV

Las Casitas

街区内规模最大的建筑是戈米拉中心 (Gomila Center),位于建筑群的中心位置。1979年由建筑师 Pere Nicolau 翻修。新增的建筑包括拥有锯齿形屋顶的蓝色排屋 Las Fabri-Casas;以及名为 Las Casitas 的红色联排别墅,这是一座用压缩土块建造的可持续公寓楼;改造的建筑包括紧邻戈米拉广场的La Plaza,采用绿色的立面;还有黄色的Casa Virginia,以及戈米拉中心旁边的一座小体量的建筑改造。

The largest building, at the heart of the ensemble, is the Gomila Center, a renovation of a 1979 design by architect Pere Nicolau. The proposal also includes the new constructions of Las Fabri-Casas, a set of blue row houses with a saw-tooth roof, the red townhouses known as Las Casitas, a sustainable apartment building built in compressed earth blocks. A green building directly adjacent to Plaza Gomila, simply named La Plaza, as well as the yellow Casa Virginia, and a small construction next to the Gomila Center, are all renovations of existing neighbourhood buildings.

MVRDV 西班牙「戈米拉」街区更新,为优衣库2024春夏系列带来色彩斑斓的城市布景

图片 Image © Daria Scagliola

MVRDV 西班牙「戈米拉」街区更新,为优衣库2024春夏系列带来色彩斑斓的城市布景

可持续示意图 Sustainability Diagram : © MVRDV


Gomila Cen ter

MVRDV 西班牙「戈米拉」街区更新,为优衣库2024春夏系列带来色彩斑斓的城市布景

图片 Image © Daria Scagliola

Las Fabri-Casas 联排房屋坐落于凸出的街角,有着蓝色陶瓷外立面和锯齿形屋顶

Located on a prominent street corner, Las Fabri-Casas is a set of row houses with a saw-tooth roof, completed with blue ceramic façades

MVRDV 西班牙「戈米拉」街区更新,为优衣库2024春夏系列带来色彩斑斓的城市布景

可持续示意图 Sustainability Diagram : © MVRDV

Las Fabri-Casas


The Gomila buildings have been designed according to Passive Haus principles, with high thermal efficiency and passive climate control measures such as shutters and cross ventilation to reduce energy needs. To utilize the many sun hours of Mallorca, solar panels are added to rooftops while heat recovery systems further reduce the buildings’ energy consumption. Materials will be sourced locally wherever possible, reducing the carbon produced by the construction.

MVRDV 西班牙「戈米拉」街区更新,为优衣库2024春夏系列带来色彩斑斓的城市布景

图片 Image © Jannes Linders

“「戈米拉街区更新计划」是一个令人兴奋的项目——七座建筑各自独立,同时它们也构成一个整体,为该街区带来全新的活力。”MVRDV创始合伙人Jacob van Rijs说道,“当整体看时,你会看到一个色彩缤纷的建筑群,它们仍然以某种方式作为一个整体发挥着作用。”

“Project Gomila is an exciting architectural project – each of the seven buildings can stand alone as its own individual design, and yet at the same time they are also carefully considered as an ensemble that gives Gomila a fresh boost”, says MVRDV founding partner Jacob van Rijs.“When looked at together, you see a colourful collection of buildings that still somehow work together as a group.”

MVRDV 西班牙「戈米拉」街区更新,为优衣库2024春夏系列带来色彩斑斓的城市布景

Image: © Daria Scagliola

“从城市的角度来讲,我们的设计概念以建筑的多样性为核心。”MVRDV创始合伙人Winy Maas补充道,“有些设计更适合家庭住宅,有些则更适合单身或情侣公寓;有些建筑是纯住宅,有些则将商业功能融入其中。这一系列人和空间的多样性将有助于恢复 El Terreno 曾经的活力。”

“In terms of urbanism, the concept revolves around the diversity of the buildings”, adds MVRDV founding partner Winy Maas. “Where some of the designs are more suited to family homes, others are more suited for apartments for singles or couples; where some buildings are fully residential, others bring commercial functions into the mix. This diversity of people and spaces will help bring back El Terreno’s lost vibrancy.”

MVRDV 西班牙「戈米拉」街区更新,为优衣库2024春夏系列带来色彩斑斓的城市布景

Image: © Daria Scagliola

“「戈米拉街区更新计划」在帕尔马激活了一个新的城市中心,成为新的集聚点和地标,不仅适用于周边居民,也适用于所有市民。”GRAS事务所的创始人Guillermo Reynés说道,“它保留并唤起了帕尔马居民对这里的美好回忆。”

“The Gomila Project activates a new centrality in Palma, a new meeting and reference point not just for the people in the neighbourhood, but for all the citizens”, says Guillermo Reynés, founder of GRAS Reynés Arquitectos. “The project has been very well received, bringing back good memories that Palmesanos had of the area.”

MVRDV 西班牙「戈米拉」街区更新,为优衣库2024春夏系列带来色彩斑斓的城市布景

Image: © Jannes Linders

MVRDV建筑规划事务所由Winy Maas、Jacob van Rijs和Nathalie de Vries创立于荷兰鹿特丹,致力于为当代的建筑和都市问题提供解决方案。MVRDV的创作基于深度研究与高度协作,各领域的专家、客户及利益相关方从项目初期一直参与设计的全过程。直率而真诚的建筑、都市规划、研究和装置作品堪称典范,让城市和景观朝向更美好的未来发展。

MVRDV的早期项目,如荷兰公共广播公司VPRO的总部,以及荷兰阿姆斯特丹的WoZoCo老年公寓,都获得了广泛的国际赞誉。MVRDV250余位建筑师、设计师和城市规划师在多学科交叉的设计过程中,始终坚持严格的技术标准和创新性研究。MVRDV采用BIM技术,公司内拥有正式的BREEAM和LEED顾问。MVRDV与荷兰代尔夫特理工大学合作运营独立智库和研究机构The Why Factory,通过展望未来都市,为建筑及都市主义提供发展议程。

MVRDV was set up in 1993 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands by Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries. MVRDV engages globally in providing solutions to contemporary architectural and urban issues. A research-based and highly collaborative design method engages experts from all fields, clients and stakeholders in the creative process. The results are exemplary and outspoken buildings, urban plans, studies and objects, which enable our cities and landscapes to develop towards a better future.

Early projects by the office, such as the headquarters for the Dutch Public Broadcaster VPRO and WoZoCo housing for the elderly in Amsterdam lead to international acclaim. 250 architects, designers and other staff develop projects in a multi-disciplinary, collaborative design process which involves rigorous technical and creative investigation. MVRDV works with BIM and has official in-house BREEAM and LEED assessors. Together with Delft University of Technology, MVRDV runs The Why Factory, an independent think tank and research institute providing an agenda for architecture and urbanism by envisioning the city of the future.

2024-03-07 15:58:00






