《Attitudes》| MVRDV 新书发布

    MVRDV · 2024-01-23 16:23:53

《Attitudes》| MVRDV 新书发布


The architects of MVRDV couple a clever conceptual approach with a refined sense of space, material and color. Covering twenty-five recent realizations in Europe, Asia and North America, this book highlights the diversity of atmospheres of MVRDV's recent architecture and the variety of attitudes it exudes, from chic to cool to comforting and much more.

-- Maas Lawrence 出版社

MVRDV 新书《Attitudes》已于上周在荷兰新研究所 (Nieuwe Instituut) 正式发布,这本 344 页的精装书由 Maas Lawrence 出版社出版,介绍了 MVRDV 在欧洲、北美和亚洲最近完成的 25 个项目,包括英国建筑评论家 Tim Abrahams,建筑史学家、《Architectural Observer》出版人 Hans Ibelings 和建筑设计撰稿人 Joann Plockova 的文章。同期揭晓了 MVRDV 为比利时灯具品牌 Delta Light 设计的名为「鲜 · 明」(High Profile) 系列的新茶几,《Attitudes》 就陈列在这只用回收铝型材制作的茶几上。

Yesterday evening, the Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam hosted the launch of Attitudes, the latest monograph of MVRDV projects. Published by Maas Lawrence, the 344-page hardcover book presents twenty-five recently completed projects in Europe, North America, and Asia, alongside essays by Tim Abrahams, Hans Ibelings, and Joann Plockova. Attitudes is complemented by a specially-designed coffee table, the High Profile / Low Table, which was also unveiled at the event.

《Attitudes》| MVRDV 新书发布

图片 image © Pim Top

《Attitudes》呈现了MVRDV 近年完成的新项目,重点展示了建筑改造和城市更新的巨大潜力,例如2022年发布的「鲜 · 明」系列灯具(用铝型材尾料制成的灯具)、首尔“空中花园” Seoullo 7017(将首尔的一条废弃高架公路改造成城市公园)。许多项目还具有独特的公共尺度,从建筑内外到上下空间,多维度地引导公众参与和体验,例如鹿特丹的Depot公共艺术仓库、深圳的if工厂和妇儿大厦改造。

Among the projects featured in the book are several that show the potential of reuse and transformation, such as High Profile, a lamp made from leftover metal profiles, or Seoullo 7017, the transformation of an elevated highway in Seoul into an urban park. Many of the projects also have a distinct public dimension, welcoming people in, around, and sometimes also on top of buildings, as in the case of the depot of Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen in Rotterdam, or the Idea Factory and Women & Children Centre in Shenzhen.

《Attitudes》| MVRDV 新书发布
《Attitudes》| MVRDV 新书发布

图片 image © Xia Zhi 夏至


Shenzhen Women and Children Centre

荷兰新研究所的馆长兼艺术总监 Aric Chen、建筑师兼城市规划师 Oana Rades、建筑评论家 Hans Ibelings 以及 MVRDV 创始合伙人 Jacob van Rijs 和 Nathalie de Vries 出席了新书发布会。Oana Rades 在讨论中说道,这本书的出版意图之一是为了获得公众对保护自然环境的支持,同时也希望提高人们对通过建筑为当前全球紧迫问题提供解决方案的认识。

The launch of the book was accompanied by a panel discussion featuring Nieuwe Instituut director Aric Chen, architect and urbanist Oana Rades, editor and critic Hans Ibelings, and MVRDV founding partners Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries. As Rades highlighted during the discussion, the concept of the “coffee table book” was developed in part to garner public support for the preservation of natural environments, with publications such as This is the American Earth. In a similar way, Attitudes could be seen as an accessible vehicle to raise people’s awareness of current global urgencies, and the ways in which architecture can provide solutions.

《Attitudes》| MVRDV 新书发布

图片 image © MVRDV

从左至右 Left to right:

Aric Chen, Oana Rades, Hans Ibelings, Jacob van Rijs, Nathalie de Vries

《Attitudes》| MVRDV 新书发布
《Attitudes》| MVRDV 新书发布
《Attitudes》| MVRDV 新书发布
《Attitudes》| MVRDV 新书发布
《Attitudes》| MVRDV 新书发布

编者 Edited by:

Hans Ibelings, Jan Knikker, Jacob van Rijs, Nanne de Ru

文章作者 With essays by:

Joann Plockova, Hans Ibelings, Tim Abrahams

平面设计 Graphic design by:

Lisa Brustolin

精装,22.5 x 29 cm, 344页

hardcover, 22,5 x 29 cm, 344 pages



2024-01-23 16:23:53






