IDD | 对话巨匠:周光明,设计有持续生命力的作品/ VOL.14

    建筑现场 · 2023-05-19 15:17:04

特别鸣谢 | 首席领先伙伴

RARA 系统定制家居



IDD | 对话巨匠:周光明,设计有持续生命力的作品/ VOL.14
IDD | 对话巨匠:周光明,设计有持续生命力的作品/ VOL.14

IDD世界领先设计对话,是广州设计周联合GIA广州设计周全球伙伴联盟中的中外设计领先机构、组织和媒体发起的一项对话世界设计领先者的国际设计交流计划,IDD世界领先设计对话以「MASTER MIND巨匠的思索」为思想探寻的的主旨方向,希冀通过与世界领先设计巨匠对话,探索世界领先设计思想,以世界领先推动中国领先,以中国领先影响世界设计。

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IDD | 对话巨匠:周光明,设计有持续生命力的作品/ VOL.14


Dialoguing With Masters To Follow The Leading




Vermilion Zhou Design Group, Founder


- IDD对话巨匠系列专访 -


对话朱周空间设计 创始人周光明先生、朱彤云女士


广州设计周 x RARA x OBJEKT境界 联袂巨献


周光明 Kuang Ming (Ray) Chou

朱周空间设计创始人 / 室内设计创意总监

Vermilion Zhou Design Group, Founder/ Creative Director

IDD | 对话巨匠:周光明,设计有持续生命力的作品/ VOL.14


After receiving the MA degree at University Politécnica de Catalunya, Kuang Ming (Ray) Chou, and Vera Chu co-founded Vermilion Zhou Design Group in Shanghai in 2002. While studying in Spain, Ray was deeply influenced by European culture. However, his design is informed by a blend of Western logical thinking and pursuing the Eastern lifestyle. "Always starts with people and provides them a better lifestyle," which is the central concept of Ray's design.

朱彤云 Vera Chu

朱周空间设计 创始人 / 照明设计总监

Vermilion Zhou Design Group, Founder/ Lighting Design Director

IDD | 对话巨匠:周光明,设计有持续生命力的作品/ VOL.14

于知名的美国纽约帕森斯设计学院取得建筑照明设计硕士学位,并在纽约工作近三年的时间,先后于美国纽约 兰尼. 史威登尔照明设计有限公司、美国纽约 盖瑞.戈登建筑照明设计公司担任专业空间照明设计师。在照明专业的领域上持续经验的累积,从室内专业照明至建筑照明,从理论到细节的实践,从而奠定了专业的设计基础。2002年与周光明先生于上海创立了朱周空间设计,担任照明设计总监,为各项目硬体空间上添加出更多柔美的氛围,与团队一起呈现许多精彩作品。

Vera Chu received an MFA in Architecture and Lighting at Parsons School of Design. She began to work as a lighting designer at Leni Schwendinger LightProjects Ltd. and Gary Gordon Architectural Lighting Design Ltd. from front to rear, accumulating her practical experience. While working in New York, Furthermore, she co-founded Vermilion Zhou Design Group with Kuang Ming (Ray) Chou and provided her lighting design profession, leading the team to build many splendid works.



How do you keep on evolving as a designer and lead the team as the industry leader over time?

Ray: 我们其实很单纯,公司的首要的立意就是设计出让人能感受到美以及舒适的空间。再来我们公司没有所谓的“内卷文化”,在管理方式上,大家都是平等的工作关系。在公司内,大家之间的相处都是开放的,即便我们有着相对严谨的管理规范但也不复杂。遵守上班的时间,每个人要对自己的工作负责,鼓励你闲暇之余主动地提升自己,当跟不上团队的(一直没有成长是需要自省的),我们会试着拉你一把。彼此之间我们是互相帮助而不是竞争关系,如何积极一起完成项目才是我们共同的目标。

Our goal is simple, and the priority is to design spaces that are beautiful and comfortable. Our office does not have the so-called “involution culture.”We have an open and flat management structure internally. We make relatively strict management policies, but they are not complicated. Everyone shall be punctual and responsible for their workload. We encourage staff to improve themselves outside work. We will also help those left behind (reflection is needed if there is no progress for a long time). We help each other within the team. The common goal is to complete the project together rather than compete with one another.


Regarding management, when we decide to add a new rule, we will eliminate an old one; we try to optimize rather than add it all up. We care about our staff and solve problems together. If one staff member were abnormally late, we would try to find out why immediately to know if anyone was in danger. We also arrange a personal meeting with every new staff, and the first lesson to tell is, “you have the firm's support because you are part of the team, but you have to grow up by yourself, not just rely on the firm.


Besides, you have to be kind. You shall help the elderly if they fall, even if it was a staged crash; when you decide to help, our firm will be behind you and help you get out of the mess. We want to hire and work with kind people who would lend a helping hand without hesitation when needed. Thirdly, one shall come to me with a suggestion or a solution when there is a problem, and it is more important to figure out a solution than blow up the issue. The proper attitude is to offer help, assistance, and solutions proactively.

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IDD | 对话巨匠:周光明,设计有持续生命力的作品/ VOL.14

青籁养身 上海马当路

IDD | 对话巨匠:周光明,设计有持续生命力的作品/ VOL.14

青籁养身 上海陆家嘴店



How do you select a project? What are the criteria ?


I would listen to the client’s brief and evaluate the business model to decide if to take on the work. I will not take the project when the business model does not make sense or is not sustainable.


When it is a residential project, we recently designed a villa without a living room. A big living room in a villa occupies the best spot and most significant area but is not very efficient in the modern Chinese lifestyle. Our designs are trying to solve problems rather than being decorative.


In the Haidilao Hotpot Restaurant we recently completed, we achieved two breakthroughs. One is that we put the shelf on the dining table so waiters can put the dishes within your sight and far from dust. Compared to where it used to be on the side along the corridor, waiters and guests walking back and forth might contaminate the dishes; another breakthrough is that we managed to have most of the furniture prefabricated and installed on site, budget, time and quality are all well under control.

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杭州 逸庐「阅湖」

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海底捞 2018 - 海底捞2022

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IDD | 对话巨匠:周光明,设计有持续生命力的作品/ VOL.14

以“极致商务”为概念,将德国 Intercity Hotel 打造成更适合国人差旅习惯的酒店


We take the automobile-manufacturing approach to designing hotel rooms. We create with an industrial design mindset where we prefabricate 80%+ of the hotel room and install on-site like LEGO. The industrial production line does not produce raw beauty; we make it up by adjusting details. In the Joya hotel, which we designed the original version in Shanghai. I picked one piece of the best-looking natural Taihu stone and duplicates in hundreds of porcelain at Jingdezhen. You can see the selected Taihu stones from nature in the hotel guest room. In Chinese culture, we appreciate stones more than Western sculptures, the so-called “crease, wrinkle, transparency and leakage,” which elevates the stone aesthetics to a much higher level.IDD | 对话巨匠:周光明,设计有持续生命力的作品/ VOL.14IDD | 对话巨匠:周光明,设计有持续生命力的作品/ VOL.14




What will the near future, like 5-10 years, hold for your company, any wishes and plans?


We have had a team of 60+ staff for decades. I can personally lead all projects within such a structure. If you ask me anything about the hundreds of projects we designed in the past few decades, I remember them all from the beginning, from the concept, schematic and final details. I believe as clients see more or experience more, they can tell and understand what a good design is, and we will come closer to the essence of creation, therefore, design better.



Some say the hotels you designed have had over 700 million visits in the past years. How do you design a national-level hotel franchise such as Hanting?


Most of our designs are altruistic, which is very important for those mass consumer projects; proper research on project concepts and attributes is essential. One of the most challenging designs is to serve mass consumers, which is even more difficult than designing for the niche market.

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IDD | 对话巨匠:周光明,设计有持续生命力的作品/ VOL.14


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IDD | 对话巨匠:周光明,设计有持续生命力的作品/ VOL.14

桔子酒店 2023新升级

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IDD | 对话巨匠:周光明,设计有持续生命力的作品/ VOL.14


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IDD | 对话巨匠:周光明,设计有持续生命力的作品/ VOL.14


Ray: 我常常在讲,国民们其实挺难的,坐个地铁,每个地铁站都长得一样,如果不告诉乘客这是哪一站,他都很难意识到这是哪里,车站的设计都是为了功能而设计的,并没有把任何的文化加进去,你看俄罗斯的地铁站,每一站都不同,那好看得不行。设计的项目既要赢得大众的喜爱,又要大家能够负担得起,给大众做的设计是最难的。

I always say being a mass consumer is not easy. Take the subway as an example. Each subway station here looks alike; one can not tell where they are if the stop name is not broadcasted; the stations are designed to meet the functional requirements without adding cultural elements. If you check the subway stations in Russia that are so good-looking, there are no repeated designs for each station. Again, it is the most difficult to design for mass consumers, which needs to balance beauty and affordability.

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IDD | 对话巨匠:周光明,设计有持续生命力的作品/ VOL.14




Young generation such as Gen Z are the driving force for consumption now. Their consuming habits are very different from previous generations. How do you stay revelent and keep on producing leading designs for the young generation?



Young generation such as Gen Z are the driving force for consumption now. Their consuming habits are very different from previous generations. How do you stay revelent and keep on producing leading designs for the young generation?


First, we do not follow the trend as I do not think the trend lasts. For instance, a hotel’s life cycle is about 10-15 years long, a trend might last 2-3 years, and there will be operation problems if it follows a short-lived fad. We try to dig deep and design projects with sustainable vitality.


We try to research on the internet or other resources or go site visit every time we get a new project. We closely follow the young generations and observe a lot, “what music do they listen to, what are they thinking? What do they eat? Where do they go? How do they social” etc.


Designers will need to analyze and tell the difference since internet information could be overwhelming, and people will not buy just by looking at a good picture anymore. For example, if you want to buy yourself this sweet potato No. 25 that originated from Shandong Province, you want to buy from the shop that couriers the produce from the origin; usually at the source, they only have bulk and general orders because sorting is slow; however, if you want to buy the best apples as a gift, you will not pick the shops from the origin but will find the fruit vendor who specializes in gift fruits and provide excellent packaging. There is a logic behind placing the order. Good-looking photos can only attract attention shortly. If you dig deep and research more, find the hidden reasoning, and you are not far from breaking the boundaries.IDD | 对话巨匠:周光明,设计有持续生命力的作品/ VOL.14IDD | 对话巨匠:周光明,设计有持续生命力的作品/ VOL.14

海底捞新升级 2022

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IDD | 对话巨匠:周光明,设计有持续生命力的作品/ VOL.14




Any environmental-friendly methods or choices have been applied to your work and life?

Ray:我对“绿水青山就是金山银山”这句话非常有感触。在设计上,我觉得对环境最大的一种保护就是不去做、不浪费。我们的一个开发商朋友告诉我说:“这边建起一栋楼,大自然界就少了一座山。” 水泥、木材、土地通通就被移到工地上,真的是劳民伤财。最好的就是不浪费,如果一定要开发,就地取材是我们设计中的一个很重要的原则。如果项目要用很多的石材,我们就不选用那些需要从很远地方运来的石材。我们真的其实有很多很好的东西是垂手可得的,但我们统统把它忘记了,然后去创造了一些不自然的东西。

I resonate deeply with the saying, “lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets.” I believe it best protects the environment if we do not waste natural resources in our designs, including not building when necessary. One of our developer friends told me, “there will be one mountain missing when we build a tower.” Cement, wood, and earth will be brought to the site at a high cost. Source locally is one critical principle to avoid such waste. We could find stones nearby instead of shipping from far away. There are so many suitable materials at hand that we always forget; therefore, many manmade materials are made.


I think a good interior design or architecture shall solve the fundamental problem of that project; also highlight cultural elements or influence. What is internationalization for our Chinese? I think real internationalization is to express our own culture incisively and vividly. If you look at Japan, some of those world-famous Japanese architects did so well at showing their cultural influence in their projects.IDD | 对话巨匠:周光明,设计有持续生命力的作品/ VOL.14IDD | 对话巨匠:周光明,设计有持续生命力的作品/ VOL.14IDD | 对话巨匠:周光明,设计有持续生命力的作品/ VOL.14




Any project lighting design is the key element in space design?

Vera: 一个是海底捞在北京的智慧餐厅,一个是最近做的上海马当路 “green massage 青籁养身”。我们公司相对来说不会想要去做这种哗众取宠的,(客人)一进去就觉得很炫, one time experience (一次性管够)的空间。我们更希望是这个人在使用空间的时候是越待越舒服。我会希望最后效果是很柔和的。像我们做了一个品牌“Body Concept Pilates”,是一个普拉提课程的教室,其实灯光真的是一个看起来不存在的配角,但是我有很多的使用者的反馈,包括教练会跟我说:“好奇怪,空间里灯光营造出的氛围会让我心情更平和。在这里教学生如果教TA 三遍、五遍TA都练不起来,我还是心情很柔和,很有耐心;在其他的空间我的脾气就会燥起来”。他说他分析出来觉得是灯光的作用,因为他觉得这里就很柔和。所以你说要把气氛拉满。当然我觉得这很容易,我可以做,但是我觉得要不着痕迹地让人家觉得空间是舒服的。有时候我倒不觉得哪个更难,是氛围感拉满还是特别柔和的存在,而是我能够放下特别强的 Ego (自我) ,让灯光不是那么强烈的存在。我希望做好配角,让使用者在这个空间是适得其所的。

A few projects include Haidilao Hotpot Restaurant in Beijing and Green Massage at Madang Road in Shanghai. Our team tries not to design internet popular projects where people go for a one-time experience. We hope people enjoy the spaces and stay longer. Another example is Body Concept Pilates we designed, as in many projects lighting is not the most eye-catching design element, however, I got many user feedbacks including the instructor, who is more patient within this lighting ambiance that is soft and comfortable. I would put down my ego and design lighting that fits the space the best, I am perfectly ok that lighting design in the supporting role.IDD | 对话巨匠:周光明,设计有持续生命力的作品/ VOL.14IDD | 对话巨匠:周光明,设计有持续生命力的作品/ VOL.14


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IDD | 对话巨匠:周光明,设计有持续生命力的作品/ VOL.14

青籁养身 上海马当路

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IDD | 对话巨匠:周光明,设计有持续生命力的作品/ VOL.14
IDD | 对话巨匠:周光明,设计有持续生命力的作品/ VOL.14

Body Concept 普拉提工作室



What do you think of Smart Control in the projects?


Intelligent control is good, for sure. There are smart controls in the hotels we designed, and we keep them simple and easy to use. Sometimes some designers try too hard to make it complicated and seemingly "Smart". To me, simplicity is smart.



Any advice for young designers?



I would advise young designers to dig deeper into their own culture.

First, we might have heard about born mathematicians or musicians, but there is no born interior designer or architect.


Secondly, designers must own, see, study, and accumulate experience before designing. A fresh graduate cannot be called a gifted designer; simply impossible. If you look at chromatology, when you observe birds’ feathers, a cheesy color combination might look good on that bird, a simple fact that tells us there is no limit to nature; you need to see more. Thirdly, young designers should be more patient; otherwise, they might fall back to where they started before they knew it.

但我是反对跨界的。我觉得一个人的能量很少能到达多到可以溢出来的时候。就像我,我可以设计家具,但我不会把它当一回事。因为我觉得任何东西都有本质的需求,我会聚焦做这部分,因为需要深入的思考。没有本质的需求的部分,做 A、 做 B、 做 C 都可以的时候,那就不一定是我的(聚焦点)。一个设计师之所以被尊重,就是因为你有匠人精神,在解决你专业上的问题。如果你跨界到了去做附和趋势的事情,就是另外一回事了。

It is not easy to practice in the design industry, and it is almost impossible to do well without passion. I would always tell my young staff design is a road that requires passion and persistence, which will guide you go further. I prefer going to art exhibitions and trade fairs rather than social events. I am opposed to practicing cross disciplines because I believe our energy has a limit, I can design furniture, but I will not because I want to focus on my design work. Designers must concentrate on the design field; the craftsman’s spirit is much respected.


For those who want to become lighting designers, I would suggest they value basic training. The road to a good lighting designer is an accumulative one. Another piece of advice is to practice in person, as you will not design well by guessing. A hands-on attitude will make a difference. I also believe a designer shall be curious and passionate about life, to experience in different senses, no matter which industry you choose, it will be a good guideline.

IDD | 对话巨匠:周光明,设计有持续生命力的作品/ VOL.14


2023-05-19 15:17:04






