Stephen Pimbley受邀担任G+AWARDS全球总决赛国际评委

    SPARK Architects · 2021-12-08 10:15:05

受广州设计周组委会邀请,SPARK思邦创始人、董事Stephen Pimbley担任设计竞赛2021 G+Awards全球总决赛评委,同来自全球设计产业相关领域的设计专家、开发商、艺术家、媒体人、意见领袖组成的评审团, 于12月9日揭晓2021年G+AWARDS全球总冠军。

SPARK Founder Stephen Pimbley was invited by Guangzhou Design Week as a global finals jury for the Global+ Designer Competition 2021, along with the judge panel of Design experts, owners , artists, media and opinion leaders from related fields in the global design industry. The 2021 global champion will be announced on December 9th in Guangzhou.


Stephen于1984年作为Gulbenkian学者身份毕业于伦敦皇家艺术学院。在求学期间,作为建筑师在伦敦YRM事务所工作,并参与伦敦盖特威克机场(Gatwick Airport)本航站楼设计项目,毕业后Stephen加入英国理查德·罗杰斯事务所(Richard Rogers&Partners)伦敦办公室,并设计了1985年在英国皇家艺术学院举办的罗杰斯福斯特斯特灵展览空间。

1990年,他加入了William Alsop’s studio& Lyall设计事务所,作为项目建筑师,他负责设计的法国马赛区政府总部办公项目获得多项设计大奖。2000年升任合伙人。Stephen主要负责公司的海外项目,在法国马赛的项目之后,他又相继在德国汉堡,柏林和荷兰鹿特丹工作。



Stephen graduated from the Royal College of Art London in 1984, where he was a Gulbenkian scholar. He began his undergraduate professional career at YRM in London, working on the North Terminal of Gatwick Airport. Upon graduating, he worked at the London office of Richard Rogers and Partners, designing the project installations for the Rogers room of the Rogers Foster Stirling exhibition at the Royal Academy in 1985.

In 1990, he joined Alsop and Lyall a s Project Architect for the award-winning Hôtel du Département des Bouches du Rhô ne in Marseille. Stephen was promoted to Director in 1994 and Partner in 2000, primarily responsible for the company’s overseas projects. Following his time in Marseilles, he worked in Hamburg, Berlin and Rotterdam.

In 2000, Stephen set up the Asia studios and designed the Clarke Quay Redevelopment, Singapore . In 2009, along with former colleagues -Stephen established SPARK . He was responsible for the design of Raffles City Beijing and Raffles City Ningbo . Stephen was also involved in th e design of Shanghai International Cruise Termina l.

Stephen has lectured extensively throughout Europe and Asia. He also taught at universities in the UK, Germany ,France, China, Hong Kong and Singapore. Stephen is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

G+Awards Global Finals Judge

About G+Awards


G+AWARDS is a global design and cultural exchange development program, committed to promoting international cultural and design communication, common development and improvement, for the global design elite to build a multi-competition platform of design value, design exchanges, design linkage, and will promote the global cultural and creative industries and design works related areas of closer exchanges and cooperation, promote exchanges and dialogue among different cultures around the world, open up a new path of innovation and development and build a broader platform for cooperation.


In 2021, G+AWARDS brings together five national professional design organizations to create a global design competition,which solicits outstanding space design projects from design elites around the world and encourage them to look at diversified design cultures and practices featuring glocalization from a global perspective.

2021-12-08 10:15:05





SPARK Architects

