
    SPARK Architects · 2021-10-22 09:27:34

10月31日是世界勤俭日,于1924年在意大利米兰推出并在全球范围内鼓励一战后人们开始勤俭节约以应对日益严重的资源危机,进而促进社会可持续发展 。

Sunday October 31st is World Thrift Day. It was introduced in Milan, Italy in 1924 to globally to encourage the idea of saving money and resources after the First World War.

▲ 国际节俭协会(1931年),《世界节俭1931年第4期》第174页,国际节俭协会,米兰

International Thrift Institute (1931), ‘World Thrift 1931 No. 4’ p. 174, ITI, Milan

▲《我买故我在》艺术家 Barbara Kruger,1987

I shop therefore I am by Post-war artist Barbara Kruger,1987


Only the die-hards of the world’s kakistocracies still looking over the Berlin Wall for a physical enemy continue to ignore for the expediency of big business, the real global nemesis ….. that is GLOBAL CONSUMPTION.



Last year we dumped 2,12 bn tonnes of waste on the planet.

Last year we extracted 60bn tonnes of material double the amount of the 1890’s even though global population has only increased 66%.


Civilisations effectively killing the planet, countries that supposedly lead the world in knowledge, sophistication and compassion are smothering it with the products of over consumption.


Individuals in the developed world have four times greater economic footprint as those in the poorest countries, the poorer countries of the world are not the ones over using resources, but they are the who typically pay the cost as the dumping ground for the world's waste.


Eight million tonnes of plastics enter the oceans every year

我们越是富有,我们产生的消费就越多,就越以自我为中心,对地球的现状置若罔闻 。

The richer we are the more we consume, the more self-centred and careless of the planet we appear to become.



80% of wastewater is pumped into oceans without treatment.

8.3 million tonnes of plastic was dumped in the ocean in 2020 a tenfold increase since 1980.


SPARK’s beach hut is fabricated from discarded plastic collected from the beaches and seas of SE Asia.


Recycling of ocean plastic


The skin of SPARK’s beach hut is manufactured from recycled HDPE (high density polyethylene)


Formation of beach hut


Fortunately some nations are making steps towards circular economies in which renewable energy underpins research into new models of behaviour where waste from manufacturing and consumption are reduced to near zero.


SPARK’s Mumbai Tetra Towers seeks to rehouse part of the massive slum population in a seriesof hybrid towers. Using the already established local networks of collection and recycling.


The circular economy model aims to use closed-loop production to keep resources in play for as long as possible easing climate change, resource depletion and waste.


Tetra pak cartons are reformed into apartment’s pods, which are then hoisted onto the tower’s hybrid skeleton. The structure uses less concrete and steel, both unsustainable materials, partially replacing them with engineered timber.


China’s ban on waste imports has by default stimulated the development of circular economy strategies in Australia and the UK who previously exported their waste to China.


We dump every year in excess of 92 million tonnes of clothing textiles, equal to a rubbish truck of clothes being dumped every second.


Last year we dumped 53.6 million tonnes of e-waste, a year-on-year increase of 2.5 million tonnes.

时尚产业的废弃物问题已经被记录在案,并催生了 "慢时尚 "运动,但是电子废品现在是世界上增长最快的废物流,这是因为人们购买的电子产品的生命周期被生产商有意地缩短,维修或升级的选择被无视。

Waste is the fashion industry has been well document and given birth to the “slow fashion” movement but E- waste is the now the world’s fastest growing waste stream, fuelled by people buying electronic products that have cynically shorter life cycles and contemptuously fewer options for repair or upgrading.


By 2030, the global total of e-waste will to swell to 74.7 million tonnes, doubling the amount of e-waste in just 16 years, only 17% of e-waste is recycled. In India whole communities subsist by processing hazardous waste to recover fragments of precious metals.


Billions worth of valuable metals such as gold, silver and copper were dumped or burned last year as electronic waste produced globally jumped to a record 53.6 million tons(Mt).


The questions we at SPARK ask ourselves is how do we make the issue of thrift and sustainability meaningful to the project work we are involved in?


The Hefei Steel Works has been designed to become an innovation island in the new centre of eastern Hefei.


There is a feeling of helplessness when burdened by the weight of the complex problems associated with living and working more sustainability when we have been conditioned since the 1980’s to consume.


The urban regeneration of Hefei Steel Works replaces demolition and redevelopment with a more sustainable development model to rejuvenate the city.


It will take some time for us to learn how to change our behaviour and live and work differently as the Leviathan we are all tied to changes its course towards calmer and cleaner waters.


The journey will continue beyond our lifetime but it is important to stimulate conversation by developing ideas that test and question the status quo.


Kiss the petrol kiosk goodbye

我们不时地提出并发表我们的想法, 考虑通过管理和利用废品的替代方案,旨在激发更广泛的社会可持续性理念。

From time to time we draw and publish our ideas that consider alternatives to managing and reuse of waste products or ideas designed to stimulate greater social sustainability.


Kiss the petrol kiosk goodbye: convert petrol stations to community service clusters


Kiss the petrol kiosk goodbye considers how to reuse the vast number of petrol stations that might be abandoned as the result of the increase in electric car use.


Attached to this article we consider what to do with the plethora of redundant petrol stations once we have all moved over to battery powered vehicles.

Rather than selling the land to commercial developers the existing structures could form the needed community infrastructure to support the fledgling circular economy of reuse and repair.

2021-10-22 09:27:34





SPARK Architects

