新任命 | 伍兹贝格宣布中国区新晋设计总监及项目总监

    伍兹贝格建筑设计事务所 · 2022-04-02 09:12:28


Woods Bagot is pleased to announce the five newly appointed design and project leaders across the China region. They will be committed to bringing in their expertise across architecture, interior design and project management alongside 800 + multi-disciplinary experts from our global studios to provide best-in-class services to clients and collaborators.

陈志聪拥有超过18年丰富的建筑设计经验,在国际一线事务所工作的经历,让他对建筑品质有 很高的追求,对城市高质量公共空间,TOD站城一体有独到的见解。他 参与并领导的多个竞赛项目并取得优异成绩,并主持了诸多新 建及改建的地标性建筑设计项目,类型涵盖大型总体规划、城市设计、综合体、建筑单体等。 作为国家一 级注册建筑师,他凭借卓越的设计能力,对国内客户需求的深入理解,与客户及合作伙伴的高效沟通,让所参与的项目均能完成高品质落地,也因此获得 政府机构、开发商及本地院等不同客户的信任和青睐。

Cyrus is a Class 1 Registered Architect with 18 years of extensive experiences in architecture and design, spanning sectors such as masterplanning, urban design and mixed-use. He honed his design skills at another high-profile, international design firm prior to Woods Bagot, where he led multiple landmark projects and carried out innovative design strategies with special focuses on urban public spaces and TODs. Working closely with clients at all levels from developers, city leaders to LDIs and other design consultancies, Cyrus is also highly recognized and trusted because of his outstanding capability in design, deep understanding of clients’ needs and efficient communication skills.

Joerg Lonkwitz 是一位充满激情、具有个人魅力的建筑设计师,曾服务于多家国际设计事务所,拥有超过16年的专业经验,擅长综合体、商业、超高层等领域项目,深入研究绿色建筑领域,并将碳中和等可持续设计原则融入到建筑全生命周期中。Joerg 在中国生活、工作了十年有余,坚持从项目方案阶段到落地阶段进行全方位把控, 追求卓越的设计解决方案。他具有综合管理能力,可以领导设计团队、人力资源和商务拓展等多条线团队,助力设计事务所在中国的业务发展。

Joerg Lonkwitz is a passionate and charismatic architect with over 16 years of professional experience working for several international design firms. He specializes in mixed-use, commercial, and super high-rise projects and delves into green building design. He incorporates sustainable design strategies such as carbon neutrality into the whole building life cycle. Joerg has lived and worked in China for more than 10 years to pursue excellence in design solutions by controlling all aspects of a project from the schematic phase to the implementation phase. His comprehensive management skills allow him to lead multi-line teams in design, manpower resources, and business development, helping the design firm grow its business in China.

都俊亨作为主创建筑师,曾服务于多家国际知名建筑设计事务所,在洛杉矶、纽约、上海等城市均 有学习、生活及工作经验。 国际化的教育及工作背景赋予他丰富的阅历,尤其对亚洲市场有独到见解。 他有超过 17 年的工作经验,擅长大型商业零售项目,在商业设计领域有独树一帜的设计主张,能将 业主的需求融入设计思考中,提供具有落地性和创造力的设计解决方案。 除此之外,他也完成众多总 体规划和城市设计项目,并能将商业设计经验融入其中,形成多元的设计风格。

Jun H Do has worked for several internationally renowned architectural firms as a lead architect. He has studied, lived, and worked in cities such as Los Angeles, New York, and Shanghai. His international education and work background gave him a wealth of experience, with a particular focus on the Asian market. With over 17 years of experience, he specializes in large-scale commercial retail projects and has a unique approach to commercial design that incorporates the needs of clients into design thinking and provides grounded and creative design solutions. He has also completed numerous master planning and urban design projects where he integrates his commercial design experience into diverse projects.


With a career spanning nearly 20 years, Vinson has been working for global-renowned design firms. As a leader, he and his team collaborate with well-known real estate developers to complete a large number of landmark large-scale retail projects and win high-profile real estate and design awards in the industry for many years. He is keen on the sense of art and rigor, always keeps a down-to-earth attitude towards work which guarantees the project outcome. Vinson commits to providing the best service and professional support to satisfy the client’s 360-degree planning.


Yu Mao has over 20 years of experience in architectural design and property development. She has designed a wide range of projects, including large-scale masterplanning, commercial complexes, retail, cultural and educational projects, hospitality, and industrial projects. Besides, she has a strong focus on the good integration of land values and architectural products. She is an architect with social responsibility. While cooperating with the client and the team to complete the project, she expresses what she thinks and learns to a certain extent through tangible forms. She puts forward her ideas to society and people with high-quality projects to impact the world.

2022-04-02 09:12:28






