汉堡超级图书馆 ——汉萨城的数字中心 | 建筑文化学院(aac)工作坊成果展

    德国gmp建筑设计有限公司 · 2021-11-23 17:36:01

展览 © Jochen Stueber


The fall workshop of the aac Academy for Architectural Culture focused on the design of a digital knowledge library in Hamburg. The brief was to design a multimedia library in which conventional library functions are combined with interactive concepts. Under the guidance of Volkwin Marg and Nikolaus Goetze, the multi- national scholarship students developed designs that show what such a multimedia library could look like in the center of Hamburg.

2021年秋季工作坊奖学金获得者与团队导师及工作坊导师福尔克温·玛格和尼古劳斯·格茨合影© Jochen Stueber


The fall workshop of the aac Academy for Architectural Culture took place from the 1st to the 24th of Sep- tember, 2021, in the aac’s studios at the Rainvilleterrasse Campus in Hamburg under the guidance of Volkwin Marg and Nikolaus Goetze. At a time when almost all media are available digitally, we have to ask how useful traditional libraries are as places of information and learning. In response to this situation, many so-called multimedia libraries have been created over the last ten years that also store and make available digital content.

最终成果展示 © JochenStueber


The City of Hamburg also wants to build a multimedia library in which traditional library functions are combined with interactive concepts. Alongside highly developed digital equipment, a dedicated space will be created for interaction with and use of all types of media, a multimedia library that is open to the public and involves the citizens, which means that the building will also function as a contemporary form of a traditional community center.

建筑文化学院(aac)设计的项目位于汉堡市中心的格哈特·霍普特曼广场(Gerhard-Hauptmann-Platz),具体布局在20世纪70年代建造的HSH北方银行的前总部大楼。未来的 “超级图书馆”预计会成为一个都市景点,还应提供媒体图书馆项目以外的服务,如美食及面向公众开放的“创客空间”,其中有工作室、录音室、小型电影院和活动空间。借助空间多样性、公共流通性和具有吸引力的开放空间,一个新的城市中心由此产生。

The site for the aac design at Gerhard Hauptmann Platz is located in central Hamburg. The site available is that of the former main branch of HSH Nordbank built in the 1970s. The future multimedia library is intended to become an urban place of attraction, including facilities beyond those of a pure multimedia library, such as restaurants and a makerspace available to the public, as well as workshops, recording studios, smaller cinemas, and events rooms. With a variety of spaces, a network of public pathways, and attractive landscaped areas, a new urban center can be created.

工作坊以游览芬兰首都赫尔辛基市为起点。除了阿尔瓦·阿尔托(Alvar Aalto)的建筑作品外,芬兰ALA建筑事务所还组织参观了赫尔辛基中央图书馆。回到建筑文化学院(aac)的工作室后,奖学金获得者们以国际小组为单位,开始了设计工作。

The workshop kicked off with the participants going on an excursion to Helsinki. The program included visits to buildings by Alvar Aalto and a guided tour of the Oodi Central Library designed by ALA Architects. Back at the aac studios, the scholarship students worked on their designs in multinational groups.

除了常规的辅导和阶段性成果展示外,埃利夫·蒂纳兹特佩(Elif Tinaztepe,Schmidt Hammer Lassen建筑师事务所)、克里斯·范·杜恩(Chris van Duijn,OMA建筑师事务所)和玛德琳·维斯(MagdaleneWeiss ,gmp建筑师事务所)的讲座也为学员提供了建设性的意见。

The constructive input included regular tutorials and interim presentations, as well as lectures by Elif Tinaztepe (Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects), Chris van Duijn (OMA) and Magdalene Weiss (gmp).

第一组设计成果“数字连接” © Academy for ArchitecturalCulture


The design by Group 1, Digital Connectivity, implements the networking in a digital and communicative sense: a large recess opens the building towards Gerhart Hauptmann Platz and, with curved ramps and connecting bridges, creates the connection with the upper spaces.

第二组设计成果“垂直Agora” © Academy for ArchitecturalCulture


With its Vertical Agora, Group 2 transforms the principle of an agora – a market place and place of knowledge transfer – into the vertical. Projecting podiums and inserted atmos zones accompany visitors on their way to the top where, with a public roof terrace, roof gardens, and an expressive roof, the Agora becomes visible in the skyline of the Hanseatic City.

第三组设计成果“无限空间” © Academy for ArchitecturalCulture


The infinity of acquiring know- ledge is symbolized by the Infinite Space of Group 3, featuring an atrium that extends in stages towards the top and that is framed by three cascade-like rising glass volumes that allow for easy orientation and direct vertical access.

第一组设计成果“连续的景观” © Academy for ArchitecturalCulture


Group 4 cuts the space into three sculptural sections using vertical access joints that help with orientation and let in daylight. The “floating” nature of these sections allows the surrounding city landscape to continue beneath them as a Continuous Landscape and to translate the vertically structured offsets into a world of adventure with staircases, ramps, and terraces.


The results of the workshop are currently available to view in an exhibition at the aac studios on the Rainvilleterrasse Campus. Visits are possible subject to the 2G rule; we kindly request your registration via contact@aac-hamburg.de.

展览时间 :2021年12月16日截止

开放时间 :周一到周五,10点-16点

工作坊导师 :福尔克温·玛格教授与尼古劳斯·格茨

aac团队 :Enno N. Maass, Anja Meding, Sona Kazemi, Gabriela Hopf

团队导师 :Fabian Färber, Walter Gebhardt, Philipp Kamps, Sona Kazemi, Anja Meding

Opening period Until December 16, 2021

Opening times Monday to Friday, 10 am – 4 pm

Workshop Leaders Prof. Dr.-Ing. h.c. Volkwin Margand Nikolaus Goetze

aac Team Enno N. Maass, Anja Meding, SonaKazemi, Gabriela Hopf

Tutors Fabian Färber, Walter Gebhardt, Philipp Kamps, Sona Kazemi, Anja Meding

建筑文化学院官网 | aac website


aac 建筑文化学院




2021-11-23 17:36:01






