活动回顾:全周期碳排放再思考与智能创新 - 打造绿色垂直城市的幕墙设计之道

    那小海 · 2023-08-04 14:49:54

English follows Chinese (后附英文版)

活动回顾:全周期碳排放再思考与智能创新 - 打造绿色垂直城市的幕墙设计之道

7月28日,ULI上海成功举办了一场主题为 “幕墙设计的创新与未来” 的活动。活动有幸邀请了来自SOM,英海特,大界智造,旭格的几位资深行业专家给大家分享关于幕墙设计的思考、创新设计和未来展望。这次座谈会主要从幕墙设计全周期碳排放的再思考,以减少隐含碳为出发点的幕墙设计,智能建造驱动幕墙创新以及绿植幕墙如何打造城市垂直生命力等几个方面展开,吸引了50余名房地产行业专业人士参加。

活动回顾:全周期碳排放再思考与智能创新 - 打造绿色垂直城市的幕墙设计之道

瑞安房地产产品创新及设计管理总经理李岩担任本次活动的上半场的主持人,他首先介绍了城市土地学会(Urban Land Institute, ULI)及其使命,并引出了本次活动主题:幕墙设计创新与未来。然后,他向大家介绍了两位演讲嘉宾:SOM建筑技术总监朱岳及英海特执行董事钱学昆。

活动回顾:全周期碳排放再思考与智能创新 - 打造绿色垂直城市的幕墙设计之道

SOM建筑技术总监朱岳从SOM地标建筑的幕墙设计实践与建筑生命周期出发,重新审视少就是多的设计理念,提到了虽然常见的铝合金遮阳系统减少了运营碳,但会大大增加初期隐含碳,回收期根据设计可长达50-180年。他建议幕墙设计需要综合评估特定气候条件下的生命周期隐含碳和运营碳,大多数气候条件下减小窗墙比,减少材料使用并优先考虑使用相对低隐含碳材料,比如石材,木材和玻璃,相比铝合金等金属来大幅减少隐含碳, 同时研究光伏等可再生能源在建筑上的高效使用。

活动回顾:全周期碳排放再思考与智能创新 - 打造绿色垂直城市的幕墙设计之道


活动回顾:全周期碳排放再思考与智能创新 - 打造绿色垂直城市的幕墙设计之道


活动回顾:全周期碳排放再思考与智能创新 - 打造绿色垂直城市的幕墙设计之道


活动回顾:全周期碳排放再思考与智能创新 - 打造绿色垂直城市的幕墙设计之道


活动回顾:全周期碳排放再思考与智能创新 - 打造绿色垂直城市的幕墙设计之道


活动回顾:全周期碳排放再思考与智能创新 - 打造绿色垂直城市的幕墙设计之道
活动回顾:全周期碳排放再思考与智能创新 - 打造绿色垂直城市的幕墙设计之道




活动回顾:全周期碳排放再思考与智能创新 - 打造绿色垂直城市的幕墙设计之道
活动回顾:全周期碳排放再思考与智能创新 - 打造绿色垂直城市的幕墙设计之道
活动回顾:全周期碳排放再思考与智能创新 - 打造绿色垂直城市的幕墙设计之道

On July 28th, ULI Shanghai successfully hosted an event themed “Innovation and Future of Facade Design.” The event had the honor of inviting several senior industry experts from SOM, Inhabit, RoboticPlus.AI, and Schüco China to share their thoughts on facade design, innovative designs, and prospects. The seminar mainly focused on rethinking of the full-cycle carbon emission of facades design, facades design starts with reduction of embodied carbon, intelligent construction drives facades innovation, and green plant facade to create vertical vitality of the city, attracting over 50 real estate industry professionals.

活动回顾:全周期碳排放再思考与智能创新 - 打造绿色垂直城市的幕墙设计之道

Yan Li, General Manager, Product Innovation & Design Management, Shui On Land, hosted the first half of the event. He first introduced the Urban Land Institute (ULI) and its mission and brought up the theme of the event: Innovation and Future of Facade Design. Then, he introduced two speakers: Yue Zhu, Technical Principal, SOM, and Xuekun Qian, Executive Director, Inhabit.

活动回顾:全周期碳排放再思考与智能创新 - 打造绿色垂直城市的幕墙设计之道

Yue Zhu, Technical Principal, SOM, started by revisiting the design concept of "less is more" from the perspective of SOM's landmark buildings' façade design and building lifecycle. He mentioned that although common aluminum alloy shading systems reduce operational carbon, they greatly increase initial embedded carbon, and the recycling period can be as long as 50-180 years depending on the design. He suggested that façade design needs to comprehensively assess the lifecycle embedded carbon and operational carbon under specific climatic conditions, reduce window-wall ratios in most climates, reduce material usage, and prioritize relatively low embedded carbon materials like stone, wood, and glass, over metals like aluminum alloy, to significantly reduce embedded carbon. Meanwhile, he recommended researching the efficient use of renewable energy like photovoltaics on buildings.

活动回顾:全周期碳排放再思考与智能创新 - 打造绿色垂直城市的幕墙设计之道

Xuekun Qian, Executive Director, Inhabit, shared how to reduce embedded carbon during the design and implementation process, such as preserving the existing building's façade, minimizing unnecessary shading and decorative strips, and irregular structures, comparing external wall materials, optimizing external wall structure, optimizing transportation schemes, etc.

活动回顾:全周期碳排放再思考与智能创新 - 打造绿色垂直城市的幕墙设计之道

In the subsequent panel discussion, Yan Li raised a series of thought-provoking questions, and Yue Zhu and Xuekun Qian shared their views. Both speakers expressed that architectural aesthetics could return to simplicity, exploring more natural materials and greenification.

活动回顾:全周期碳排放再思考与智能创新 - 打造绿色垂直城市的幕墙设计之道

Qian Liang hosted the second half of the event, introducing two speakers: Kuan-Ting Lai, Partner / Senior Director of AED, RoboticPlus.AI and Suny Sun, Engineering Director / Senior Engineer, Schüco China.

活动回顾:全周期碳排放再思考与智能创新 - 打造绿色垂直城市的幕墙设计之道

Next, Kuan-Ting Lai, Partner / Senior Director of AED, RoboticPlus.AI, shared through three practical projects how intelligent construction empowers the façade field, how new materials combined with new techniques innovate design, and how digital technology promotes sustainable development under the ESG perspective.

活动回顾:全周期碳排放再思考与智能创新 - 打造绿色垂直城市的幕墙设计之道

Suny Sun, Engineering Director / Senior Engineer, Schüco China, talked about the environmental and climate challenges in the urbanization process, proposing the vision of "urban greening expanding from the ground to the facade." He explained the direct benefits of green facades, such as improving indoor and outdoor temperatures, absorbing noise, enhancing urban living quality, beautifying urban landscapes, etc.

活动回顾:全周期碳排放再思考与智能创新 - 打造绿色垂直城市的幕墙设计之道
活动回顾:全周期碳排放再思考与智能创新 - 打造绿色垂直城市的幕墙设计之道

Qian Liang hosted a lively Q&A session, where Yue Zhu and Suny Sun discussed the role of green facades in reducing carbon and how greenery provides partial shading and green views. Kuan-Ting Lai shared RoboticPlus.AI's collaboration methods with real estate developers and designers, the appropriate stages to intervene in projects, and emphasized the importance of driving design development with intelligent construction technology.

Yan Li emphasized that deploying new technology in projects should not just pursue a sense of technology but should start from the human perspective, on how to better serve people and improve comfort. This viewpoint, as the summary of the event, was met with warm applause.

With the experts' deep sharing and lively discussions, this event brought rich gains to all participants. Let's look forward to gathering again to explore the innovation and future of the architectural field together.

ULI China Mainland
Email: chinamainland@uli.org Website: china.uli.org

2023-08-04 14:49:54






