嘉宾陆续揭晓 | 2023年ZAK世界幕墙大会上海站

    那小海 · 2023-05-31 20:40:13

嘉宾陆续揭晓 | 2023年ZAK世界幕墙大会上海站


7月27日,人民广场 | 雅居乐万豪侯爵酒店,


Zak World of Façades 是一个关于幕墙设计和工程的国际系列峰会,在其 118 个过往会议中吸引了超过 32,000 名嘉宾。该会议每次为期一天,目前正在全球 35个国家举办,包括中东(阿联酋、卡塔尔、科威特和沙特阿拉伯)、南亚(印度和斯里兰卡)、东南亚(新加坡、泰国、马来西亚、菲律宾、越南和印度尼西亚)、东亚(中国、韩国和日本)、非洲(肯尼亚、埃及、摩洛哥、塞内加尔和南非)、欧洲(英国、法国、德国、波兰、土耳其、爱尔兰、丹麦和瑞典)、大洋洲(澳大利亚和新西兰)和北美(美国和加拿大)。

Zak World of Façades, an international conference series on façade design & engineering, has attracted over 32,000+ delegates across its 118 completed editions. This one day conference is currently being organised in over 35 countries around the globe such as the Middle East (UAE, Qatar, Kuwait & Saudi Arabia), South Asia (India & Sri Lanka), South East Asia (Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam & Indonesia), East Asia (South Korea, Greater China & Japan), Africa (Kenya, Egypt, Morocco, Senegal & South Africa), Europe (United Kingdom, France, Germany, Poland, Turkey, Ireland, Denmark&Sweden), Australasia (Australia & New Zealand) and the North America (USA & Canada).



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施特凡·瑞沃勒 Stephan Rewolle



Stephan Rewolle became Partner in 2021 and has been managing gmp’s branch in Beijing since 2004. He studied at Braunschweig Technical University, at Graz Technical University, and at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen. Over the years at gmp he was involved in the design of numerous prestigious projects, including the Chinese National Museum in Beijing, Beijing Fengtai Railway Station, Asia Financial Center & AIIB Headquarters in Beijing, Bund SOHO in Shanghai, CHAO Hotel in Beijing, Chengdu Dong’an Lake Sports Park, National Convention & Exhibition Center in Tianjin and the Tianjin Binhai Cultural Center.

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建筑高级工程师,理学硕士研究生,北京大学进修“现代企业的经营与管理”专业。现担任华东建筑设计研究院有限公司建筑表皮与幕墙创新与咨询中心主任,兼任中国建筑金属结构协会专家组专家,低碳建筑技术集成与减排效果评价课题组专家与课题杰出贡献者,上海市建筑幕墙安全评审和工程招标评审专家组成员,辽宁省质量管理专家,中国建筑学会高层建筑人居环境学术委员会理事等职。建筑幕墙领域耕耘30余年,先后担任过CNYD远大中国全球技术总裁,远大公司研究院院长等,工作期间组织落实“上海中心(632米)、深圳平安金融中心 (600米)、 俄罗斯联邦大厦 (509米) 、伦敦莱登大厦、阿布扎比投资委员会指挥ADIC大楼”等项目,发表多篇论文,申请并持有多项幕墙相关专利,参与编排过多项行业规范和地方标准,在幕墙建筑学术专业领域持有独到的见解与丰富的行业经验。

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苏畅Keith Su

凯德投资 | 北外滩来福士总经理

CapitaLand Investment | Raffles City The Bund,General Manager

苏畅 拥有加州大学伯克利分校的本科学位及伯明翰大学硕士学位,并于201 1 年加入凯德集团。2 018 年,作为投资部副总监 ,苏畅参与并完成了北外滩来福士项目的收购。他目前担任北外滩来福士项目总经理,常驻上海,全面负责项目的整体管理和运作。

Keith Su has a bachelor's degree from the University of California Berkeley and a master’s degree from the University of Birmingham. He joined CapitaLand in 2011. As the deputy director of investment, Keith was part of the essential team that completed the acquisition of Raffles City The Bund project in 2018. He is currently the General Manager of Raffles City The Bund, responsible for the overall management and operation of the project.

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杨红茜Hongxi Yang



Pelli Clarke & Partners

杨红茜女士主导过诸多国际项目及大型竞赛的设计工作,包括日本箱根温泉度假酒店、荣获国际竞赛一等奖的成都自然博物馆、深圳TOD上盖物业开发项目、成都超高层的办公塔楼及配套、上海某大型商业中心及其塔楼设计、杭州亚运村公建区规划及建筑设计等,也曾参与多个国际项目设计,包括上海宁波东部新城450米的地标塔楼、广州的宝钢总部、美国纽约的红牛音乐学院、韩国首尔的凯世精品酒店设计等。作为特别演讲嘉宾,杨女士被邀请参加纽约年度学术会议和国际设计工作坊,也是上海和纽约多个高校的客座评委。杨女士于美国哥伦比亚大学获得高级建筑设计硕士学位,毕业时赢得 Lucille Smyser Lowenfish 荣誉奖。

Hongxi Yang led multiple international projects and competitions, including the MO Resort in Hakone Japan, Chengdu Natural History Museum, multiple Shenzhen TOD Development, Civic Centers for the Asian Games, mixed use super high-rise tower in Chengdu, and large retail complex design in Shanghai, China etc. She also worked on many projects throughout multiple phases, including the 450 meters Tower in Ningbo East New Town, the Baosteel Headquarter in Guangzhou, the Red Bull Academy in New York and the Cachet Hotel in Seoul etc. Besides, she has been invited as the keynote speaker at multiple international events, including various annual academic conventions in New York and international workshops in China. She also served as the design jury at academic institutions in New York and Shanghai. Ms. Yang received her master’s degree from The Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP) in Columbia University with the Lucille Smyser Lowenfish Memorial Prize.

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梁喆 LIANG, Zee

合伙人 | 智能建造事业部总监

Partner&Director of Architectural Engineering Division

UCLA 建筑学硕士,美国建筑师协会会员, 2021年入选福布斯中国 30 岁以下行业精英,浙江大学建筑机器人课程负责人。其研究方向包括虚拟现实,媒体艺术,人机互动,机器人控制,数字化设计与建造。目前任大界智能建造事业部总监,主创设计师。在智能建造行业积累多年经验,熟悉机器人建构技术及理论,已执行多个重要数字化项目的方案、设计、智能建造,包括全国首座碳纤维编织装置,首座纤维复合材料结构展亭、最高的聚合物空间打印装置等,同时负责智能制造技术研发。

Mr. Liang was selected for the FORBES 30 UNDER 30 CHINA LIST 2022. He obtained a master’s degree in Architecture at UCLA, and he is Assoc. AIA. Mr. Liang has been pursuing his cross-disciplinary research since his grad school at IDEAS CAMPUS, his practice ranged from the virtual space to the physical world, including visual reality, media art, human-robot interaction, computational design, and robotic fabrication. Mr. Liang is an expert in parametric design and digital fabrication. After practicing for years, he has significantly supported and finished several projects regarding robotic fabrication.

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何宛余Wanyu He


Founder and CEO of XKool Tech

香港大学建筑学院兼职教授,美国佛罗里达州立大学FIU人工智能与空间建筑方向在读博士,前OMA项目建筑师,具备项目管理、商务与品牌经验,广泛参与全球特别是中国的项目全周期设计与建造管理,如深圳证券交易所项目。荷兰贝尔拉格学院建筑与城市设计硕士(设计与计算机算法方向) ,科幻创作者。

WanyuHe, founder and CEO of XKool Tech, adjunct assistant professor of Faculty of Architecture, PhD Candidate of FIU artificial intelligence and space architecture. She was a senior project architect in OMA for seven years, with experience in project management,business and brand, during which period she took charge of many international projects, including the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. MSc. in Architecture and Urban design (Design and computer algorithm) at Delft University of Technology, Berlage Institution, sci-fi author.


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Jeffrey A. Kenoff

KPF | 执行总监



As Design Principal, Jeff applies over two decades of international experience to the design of an array of building types, with a focus on large-scale, mixed-use developments. Since joining KPF in 2003, Jeff has led many of the firm’s major endeavors throughout Asia, where his award-winning portfolio expresses an adroit blend of regional insight and global design perspective.

An active member of the National and New York Chapters of the AIA, Jeff leads multiple committees and advisory boards within the design community. He has served as visiting critic at Harvard University, Yale University, and Columbia University, among others.


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朱岳 ZHU Yue

SOM | 建筑技术总监

Yue Zhu现任SOM芝加哥办公室建筑技术总监,在各种建筑形式的技术、结构、可持续性、 高性能与城市设计方面拥有20多年经验。在 Zhu的领导下,SOM在综合多学科项目交付流程方面的原则得到进一步强化。


Yue Zhu is a Technical Principal in SOM’s Chicago office with more than 20 years experience in technical, architectural, sustainable, high performance, and urban design across a variety of building typologies. Zhu’s leadership approach reinforces SOM’s commitment to an integrated multidisciplinary project delivery process. Zhu has participated in the design and construction of commercial and civic buildings in North America, Europe, and Asia and has extensive experience working on large-scale mixed-use projects. Zhu works primarily with SOM’s China practice, leading technical design strategy in multiple cities across the country.

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Jeff Tsai

ARUP Associate Director


Jeff has been working in the construction industry for both Architects and Consultants for over 23 years. He progressed into the façade speciality field in 1995 and over the years advanced in his design, testing, fabrication, site supervision and project management roles. He has been involved in projects at different countries all around the world, which enhances his ability towards projects of different complexity, scales, environment, requirements and costs. With more than 15 years of experience in Asia, he is well versed in the construction practices of this region. After joining Arup in 2000, he has been based in China working on projects. He has shaped a skilled team of specialists in Building Envelope design for the market.

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Inhabit英海特 | 执行董事


Xue-Kun has more than 20 year’s experience in façade and civil engineering, working both in Chinese design institutes and international companies on high profile projects throughout China. Through this, he has gained expertise the design and engineering of curtain walls and cladding systems, glass structures, structural analysis of façade materials, design and analysis of tension structures, masonry structure and curtain wall thermal analysis. Xue-Kun is familiar with both PRC and international building codes and is a member of the Shanghai Curtain Wall Standards Committee.

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马黎涵 Tommy Ma

ALT艾勒泰 | 董事、副总经理兼技术总监


Tommy Ma has been engaged in the curtain wall consulting industry for 20 years, focusing on the design of various curtain wall systems and technologies, familiar with all aspects of curtain wall design, and has rich practical experience and solid knowledge foundation. He has been involved in many high-rise and large-scale complex projects in China, including Eton Dalian Center , Beijing Citic Tower ,Chongqing Raffles City, GreenLand Bund Center in Shanghai, and International Land-see Center in Chongqing. With rich experience, he, as the project Manager, leads the team to provide professional advice to the owners and architects in the whole process of the project, integrating visual appearance, costing, performance and other factors.

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都设设计 | 执行董事/总建筑师


LING Kege is the Chief Architect/Executive Director of DuShe Architectural Design Co. Ltd., Shanghai. He graduated from Chongqing University, is a national Class 1 Registered Architect, a guest professor at the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Chongqing University, and a member of the Creative Committee of the Shanghai Architectural Society. He pioneered the design of "Integrated Architecture and Interior" in China, specializing in urban renewal, culture, commercial office, hotels, high-end residential areas, etc. The project completion is highly praised in the industry. The "Curtain Wall Course" held is the first course to provide training for professional architects in the industry.

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RFR阿法 | 亚洲执行董事

于辉是一名资深结构工程师,在幕墙,结构,参数化设计方面拥有深厚的经验。2014 年英国工程师学会 Murray Buxton 奖获得者。

在2004年, 于辉在巴黎加入工程顾问公司RFR。在此之前他是北京新保利大厦索网幕墙的结构工程师,在RFR欧洲期间,他参与了一系列荣获国际性奖项的项目。自2012年起,他和RFR上海团队完成了多个国内标志项目,其中包含与HPP合作的上海浦东足球场,马岩松设计的北京朝阳公园山水城市项目,建筑师福斯特设计的澳门苹果店,建筑师隈研吾和亚力杭德罗•阿拉维纳设计的诺华上海园区项目,以及PC&P设计的上海星港国际中心等。

Yu Hui is a structural engineer with an extensive background in façade, structure, geometry. IstruE 2014 Murray Buxton Award winner, currently Managing Director at RFR shanghai.

Yu Hui join world renown engineering firm RFR in Paris in 2004, before that he is the structural engineering for the world largest cable net facade at POLY headquarter in Beijing. With RFR he worked world widely on a series of awards winning projects, most notably the Glass Enclosure Railway station in Strasbourg and the 2014 FIFA world cup stadium roof in Salvador Brazil. He had lead the team in Shanghai completed some of very important projects in China, including Pudong Football Stadium in Shanghai with HPP, the Chaoyang Park Shanshui with MA yansong Architect, the new apple store at Macau Venetien, the Glulam Pavilion of Novartis Campus in Shanghai with Kengo Kuma Architect, and Shanghai Xingang Center with Pelli Clark & Partners.




冠名赞助商 / Presenting Partner

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合作伙伴 / Associate Partners

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技术伙伴 / Technology Partner

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2023-05-31 20:40:13






