IDD | 对话巨匠 吴滨: 在探索中突破设计的边界/ VOL.13

    建筑现场 · 2023-05-19 15:16:49

特别鸣谢 | 首席领先伙伴

RARA 系统定制家居



IDD | 对话巨匠 吴滨:在探索中突破设计的边界/ VOL.13
IDD | 对话巨匠 吴滨:在探索中突破设计的边界/ VOL.13

IDD世界领先设计对话,是广州设计周联合GIA广州设计周全球伙伴联盟中的中外设计领先机构、组织和媒体发起的一项对话世界设计领先者的国际设计交流计划,IDD世界领先设计对话以「MASTER MIND巨匠的思索」为思想探寻的的主旨方向,希冀通过与世界领先设计巨匠对话,探索世界领先设计思想,以世界领先推动中国领先,以中国领先影响世界设计。

IDD世界领先设计对话 · 宣传片


IDD | 对话巨匠 吴滨:在探索中突破设计的边界/ VOL.13


Dialoguing With Masters To Follow The Leading


对话巨匠,追随领先 | VOL.13


中国 | China


IDD | 对话巨匠 吴滨:在探索中突破设计的边界/ VOL.13

W.DESIGN 无间设计,由设计师吴滨(Ben Wu) 创立,多年来,以中国传统文化为土壤、立足当下,致力于生活观念的启迪,以及对未来的洞察与尝试。其具有国际化视野的团队,形成建筑、室内、软装、产品设计于一 体的专业体系,专注为空间赋予独一价值。已与中国TOP50房地产、酒店及文旅文创 项目等品牌达成战略合作,不止是呈现独到设计,更是结合品牌、商业、人群及定位 需求,提供全考量、定制化的解决方案。

W.DESIGN, founded by the interior designer Ben Wu, is dedicated to the enlightenment of life concepts and the insight and experimentation of the future. In the past years, it has been artistically rooted in traditional Chinese culture and has been designing for the present, thus creating his own version of “Modern Oriental” design language. While exploring the relevant demands of the clients, with the power of self-iteration and re-invention. It has a profound impact in creating a uniquely Chinese design with an international lifestyle in mind.

- IDD对话巨匠系列专访 -

本期走进W.DESIGN 无间设计

对话W.DESIGN⽆间设计、WS SPACE無集创始人吴滨



广州设计周 x RARA x OBJEKT境界杂志 联袂巨献

吴滨 Ben Wu



Interior Designer

Founder of W.DESIGN and WS SPACE

IDD | 对话巨匠 吴滨:在探索中突破设计的边界/ VOL.13

吴滨(Ben Wu)幼随张⼤千关⻔弟⼦——伏⽂彦先⽣学习中国⽔墨画,有深厚的传统艺术功底。结合现代主义设计语⾔与东⽅美学意识创导“摩登东⽅”设计理念,在当代空间中表达东⽅美学意境。吴滨获得第24届Andrew Martin室内设计全球⼤奖。作品从公共空间、酒店、⽂创社区到私⼈会所豪宅,以及艺术策展,均有涉猎。

Ben Wu has integrated modern design language with oriental aesthetics, to create the " Oriental Modernism" design philosophy, which expresses oriental aesthetics in contemporary spaces. From design to lifestyle, " Oriental Modernism" has been widely influential in China and abroad, and has won him the 24th Andrew Martin International Interior Design of the Year Award, which was praised by Western mainstream media as "representing the rise of Chinese design"

1998年创⽴WS世尊,之后陆续开创W.DESIGN⽆间设计、WS SPACE無集 、未墨、海上等设计和⽣活⽅式品牌。

Ben Wu’s work spans from public spaces, hotels, cultural and creative communities to private clubs and luxury residences, as well as art curation.IDD | 对话巨匠 吴滨:在探索中突破设计的边界/ VOL.13

从你的角度来说,如何理解领先?从中国传统的水墨到摩登东方,再到 ART DECO 上海本身的海派文化,再到最新合作的现当代艺术的国际画廊比如香格纳,做是这个是一种什么样的一个行为?计划好的一种策略,还是说纯凭喜爱,然后自然而然地吸引到好的合作平台再渗透到室内项目里?

What is your understanding of leadership? From Chinese ink painting, to modern oriental, a fusion with Shanghai-styled Art Deco, to long-term collaboration with international galleries in contemporary art such as ShangArt Gallery, all these artworks become part of your interior projects, how did this all happen?


I have always been trying to lead W.DESIGN to break design boundaries, to integrate more disciplines, to create environments that meet clients’ needs and some more. I see a good designer as a good film director who would control the entire movie and weave different disciplines to deliver an overall holistic experience to the end user. This is leadership in my opinion.


This sense of place is created and delivered through design, it can be very sensual or intuitive to design. For instance, when I go to a restaurant, besides the good food I would naturally be attracted to the space, the music, or even the temperature…this is what I said holistic design approach. W.DESIGN is one of the first interior design firms in China that integrate interior hard and soft decoration and artistic styling all together many years ago. I believe spatial experience starts as soon as one steps into space. It seems invisible but it is very present and everywhere.

我更希望这种设计是经由实践被检验的,因此,我们有WS SPACE無集的餐饮空间,WSGALLERY的艺术空间,也与众多的画廊及艺术家合作。不仅是艺术展,无间的项目中也采用了诸多的艺术品,让艺术品真正进入空间中。

I also believe that design needs to be tested by reality. So we have WS SPACE, namely the restaurant, WS GALLERY for art, that works with many galleries and artists, not only to collaborate on exhibitions, but also to bring those artists’ real artwork into W.DESIGN’s interior projects, bringing authentic artistic touch to the interiors.IDD | 对话巨匠 吴滨:在探索中突破设计的边界/ VOL.13IDD | 对话巨匠 吴滨:在探索中突破设计的边界/ VOL.13


Lakeville Luxe in Shanghai

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上海 WS GALLERY 無集画廊——艺术与空间的融合

WS GALLERY — Combining art and design

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IDD | 对话巨匠 吴滨:在探索中突破设计的边界/ VOL.13

WS SPACE 無集——生活实验场

WS SPACE — lifestyle lab

IDD | 对话巨匠 吴滨:在探索中突破设计的边界/ VOL.13


With so many different client needs in various types of your design business, from F&B like Cafe to private villa, to mock-up rooms from real estate developers, how do you manage it so well?


Different project types or target clients would trigger my design thinking differently. I do hope our design concepts are consistent no matter what kind of project we are designing.


We would start designing looking into the specific design brief or site conditions. Some projects we consider the space or visual angles, some other projects we emphasis on the materials or user experience, somehow we will need to find the balance that works the best.

IDD | 对话巨匠 吴滨:在探索中突破设计的边界/ VOL.13


Tomson Riviera in Shanghai

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IDD | 对话巨匠 吴滨:在探索中突破设计的边界/ VOL.13


Riverside Mansion in Hangzhou

IDD | 对话巨匠 吴滨:在探索中突破设计的边界/ VOL.13


What is your time division like? How much percentage of your time will it be spent designing projects? What are the recent projects that are close to your heart?


I spent most of my time designing. W.DESIGN has a management structure that ensures all teams work at their best and deliver the perfect designs. Therefore I could focus on research and innovative projects. Our upcoming new project – The Tnkhar Hotel in Yunnan Province, unique site conditions and natural environment. I would like to explore and combine the local character and the modern spirit. We design a multi-dimensional experience with time and space, where travelers can embrace the cultural differences and enjoy the breath-taking scenery.IDD | 对话巨匠 吴滨:在探索中突破设计的边界/ VOL.13IDD | 对话巨匠 吴滨:在探索中突破设计的边界/ VOL.13IDD | 对话巨匠 吴滨:在探索中突破设计的边界/ VOL.13


The Tnkhar Hotel

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IDD | 对话巨匠 吴滨:在探索中突破设计的边界/ VOL.13


Woh Hotel Anji

另一个项目是上海 WS SPACE 無集二楼即将开幕的 HAISHANG 餐厅。在这个项目中,我投入了大量的精力,希望将空间化为四维的情境发生地,去倡导之前提到的全维度的空间体验——从空间到环境,从食物到器物,从音乐到气味……每一个细节都融合了我们对设计的思考。

The other new project will be our own fine-dining restaurant, HAISHANG, on the second floor of WS SPACE. I dedicated a lot of energy to it, hoping to create the fore-mentioned holistic design, a four-dimensional space within the context, from space to environment, from food to objects, from music to flavor... Every little detail is taken care of. We hope to make it a destination for an enhanced dining experience with our design.IDD | 对话巨匠 吴滨:在探索中突破设计的边界/ VOL.13IDD | 对话巨匠 吴滨:在探索中突破设计的边界/ VOL.13IDD | 对话巨匠 吴滨:在探索中突破设计的边界/ VOL.13


HAISHANG Restaurant at 2nd floor of Shanghai WS SPACE

IDD | 对话巨匠 吴滨:在探索中突破设计的边界/ VOL.13

未来有哪些比较关注的焦点?未来 5 年或者更远,比如 100 年后?

What is your focus in the near future, such as 5 years or the far future, like 100 years or more?


I like this question, in 100 years people will definitely lookback about Chinese design and Chinese’s lifestyle. It should be about what was relevant in China then, not in France, not in Ming Dynasty either. A good design could reflect the time then.Speaking of 5 or 10 years from now, I would say it is very important to create good content, whether it is on the internet, or Metaverse, any other platforms.


For the next 5 years, me and my team will continue designing and creating projects that are forward thinking. I will keep leading my team to develop the new materials and research into Chinese traditional culture and art, and apply our research results to modern space design. In other words, no matter it is now or future, we design with our sense of mission as always.IDD | 对话巨匠 吴滨:在探索中突破设计的边界/ VOL.13IDD | 对话巨匠 吴滨:在探索中突破设计的边界/ VOL.13


U Villa in Chengdu

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IDD | 对话巨匠 吴滨:在探索中突破设计的边界/ VOL.13


Paradise Village In Anji

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What will future trends in design be like in your opinion?


On the one hand, the future design will be an overall and multi-dimensional spatial experience as I mentioned before. Not only do we design space, but we are also influencing a much better, more diverse and meaningful lifestyle.


On the other hand, I believe oriental aesthetics will return and revive, the good Chinese designs are rooted in China and will bloom nicely, and the future market will demand more oriental beauty as well. In the future W. Design will continue practicing “Oriental Modernism” and leading towards Oriental Aesthetics and lifestyle’s modern revival.IDD | 对话巨匠 吴滨:在探索中突破设计的边界/ VOL.13

WS GALLERY 無集画廊与香格纳画廊联合呈现《漫长的瞬间》2022年11月


WS GALLERY and ShangArt gallery co-present exhibition

《Endless Moment》 Nov 2022

the artwork in the photo《Torque》by artist Chang Su

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图中为同一展览中艺术家韩锋作品《窗 》2016

The artwork in the photo《Window》by artist Feng Han 2016

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The artwork in the photo《Overlap》by artist Chang Su, 2022

IDD | 对话巨匠 吴滨:在探索中突破设计的边界/ VOL.13


What kind of advice would you give to younger designers?


I remember a philosophy teacher once said to me, for a man to pursue the result or the process is the question, namely the destination or the journey. If one tries to enjoy the journey, one will be happy; if one goes after the destination, one will be tired. This is what I meant by my ideal state in 5 years that possibly I will be just enjoying the process of creating, designing. Once you have this process, it will have good results, no need to have expectations for the future.

2023-05-19 15:16:49






