IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12

    建筑现场 · 2023-05-06 19:21:05

IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12

特别鸣谢 | 首席领先伙伴

RARA 系统定制家居



IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12
IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12

IDD世界领先设计对话,是广州设计周联合GIA广州设计周全球伙伴联盟中的中外设计领先机构、组织和媒体发起的一项对话世界设计领先者的国际设计交流计划,IDD世界领先设计对话以「MASTER MIND巨匠的思索」为思想探寻的的主旨方向,希冀通过与世界领先设计巨匠对话,探索世界领先设计思想,以世界领先推动中国领先,以中国领先影响世界设计。

IDD世界领先设计对话 · 宣传片


IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


Dialoguing With Masters To Follow The Leading


对话巨匠 追随领先 | VOL.12


中国 | China

陈耀光 Yaoguang Chan


Renowned designe, Founder of Dianshang Building Decoration Design Co., Ltd.r, Owner of Light Mix GalleryIDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


Renowned designer, Founder of Dianshang Building Decoration Design Co., Ltd.r, Owner of Light Mix Gallery.one of the first generation graduates from the Department of Environmental Art & Design at China Academy of Art in 1987, one of the Chinese interior designers with academic background at an earlier time. Current serves as the head of many design-related associations, such as Deputy Director of China Building Decoration Association. A mentor that influences a few generations’ young designers in the past 36 years’ practice.

陈耀光老师及其合伙27年的典尚设计公司设计了多座美术馆、艺术馆、博物馆、大剧院、音乐厅、企业总部大楼、世界著名总裁办公室、名人工作室、名流私宅等。 代表作有: 浙江音乐厅、弘一法师纪念馆、浙江美术馆、韩美林艺术馆等当代艺术空间。

Mr. Yaoguang Chen, founder of Dianshang Design firm. During the 27 years of lTogether, Mr Chen and Dianshang Design worked on many successful interior design of important galleries, art spaces, museums, theater, music hall, corporate headquarters, office design for world renowned entrepreneurs, celebrity’s studio, private residences, etc. Just to name a few: Zhejiang Concert Hall, Master Hongyi Memorial Hall, Zhejiang Art Museum, Hanmeilin Arts Museum.

IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


- IDD对话巨匠系列专访 -

对话 光合机构召集人&典尚设计创始人——陈耀光


广州设计周 x RARA x OBJEKT境界杂志 联袂巨献


IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


What is your recent understanding of leadership?

对公众来说的”领先“一词,可能是一个口号和一个奋进的目标。我认为这可能是传递一种能量,是一个行业、一个时代对未来的发展的向往。这本身没问题,关键是领先在哪里,领“先”还是领“对”?是让城市更干净,还是让我们的 GDP 更繁荣,让邻里之间更和谐,让我们的日子过得更加惬意和安全......此类的领先亦或者是一种争相攀比、争前恐后的一种“领先”?我认为这样的领先是不完整的,尽管它也是驱动着努力争先的一种力量。

The status of my studio here, photosynthesis-yard, can be an example. “Leadership” to the public is more like a slogan and direction for endenvour. I see nothing wrong when there is positive energy and an advocate for an industry, for an era. However, every person has a different standard on what leadership is in each industry, leading a cleaner city, a higher GDP and a more harmonious neighborhood for a more comfortable and self-sustained life. Leading should not be just competing or scambling without caring. This type of "leading", in my opinion, is not complete, although it dose serve as good motivation.


I did interior design some 30 years ago from discussion over urban design, architectural design or interior and artistic space design, the so-called "design and build". What interests me more recently is smaller objects, mini scales. It could be a new installation, could be an artistic creation which indicates the mindset of that creator.


Built on a few decades of interior design works, I have developed a series of artistic design works, from artistic space design to holistic private villa artistic customization. By revamping old objects with new materials, I can bring out the new look of existing objects, hence I call it the "Awakening" series.IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12

看到过去,投射未来。让岁月苏醒,让精致生活更透明。——陈耀光IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12

IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12



IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


2020年第七届上海西岸艺术与设计博览会 [光盒物仓]展览图

IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12



IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


What will future trends in design be like in your opinion?


Design trends in the future is a big topic. We used to focus on fashion, technology, globalization, whereas now we focus more on health, safety, artisanship, warmth. These are irreplacable for technology. Natural wood, rocks, the sound of a creek, people will desire a more healthy and peaceful life, long for peace of mind. High priced goods and social status will be cared less, art and spiritual life will be the main topics.


There are many surprises await us in the future. As mankind’s curiosity towards technology and the planet is progressing as long as we continue to breath and live long enough we will witness more miracles. I have no doubt about it. Carbon-based life, AI and Metaverse will cross paths.

我原本以为智能模式化是冰冷的,但我现在感受到了智能化中有人性的关怀和温度。当你用遥控器 “PLAY”(播放),它的灯光慢慢暗下来的“瞬间”,酷似眼睛在睡觉前合上的速度,很轻很柔,很有温度感,而不是咔嚓一下的速度,让你突兀。人的生理节奏会逐渐适应地进入数码的编程体系。

In the past I thought AI or smart control system was indifferent, now I can see some human touch and warmth in some equipment. When you press "PLAY" on the remote control, light dims slowly as if I was closing my eyes before sleep, very gently. It is not a sudden switch on-off that would startle you, they programmed human feel into the digital system.IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


How to balance your own project driven passion like this one and professional interior design project?


Here in this Studio, it is the result of passion without any concern of time and cost. I like to see this project grow naturally to beome to my sactisfory state. However, when it comes to commercial projects, there is a set of clear goals and restraints such as time and budget to follow. That balance (among those restraints) is like a magic. Every designer has their own way of finding balance. You have to find a balance or compromise between the design concept and client’s needs and conditions, deep down it is not compromised, it is a service, let’s face it, design is service. This is something every designer should know.IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12

浙江美术馆 2010年

IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12

李叔同纪念馆 2004年

IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12

韩美林艺术馆银川馆 2015年

IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


Why did you build this studio?


Bidding farewell to the island I used to own for 16 years in the Thousand Islands Lake and then to Southern Song Dynasty courtyard of Phoenix Mountain owned for 12 years, Photosynthesis-yard, or Guanghe Courtyard, is my continuous exploration of the ideal Chinese courtyard space, wishing to discover a new aesthetic of human and environmental life. This project is an important transition point in my career.IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12

2004-2016年 典尚设计南宋老院子

IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12

2002-2018年 千岛湖小岛

IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12

2015 - 至今 光合院


It took me 5 years to build this studio/courtyard, which is a summary of my design philosophy and design practice as an interior designer for over 30 years, and an expression of design ideals and life aesthetics. It is not only a very personal expression of emotions, but also a non-mainstream spatial attempt, recording my childhood memories and the impression of Jiangnan City.


"Perfection is flawed, well-intentioned, witty, non-mainstream". Photosynthesis-yard, or Guanghe Courtyard, is an integrated courtyard space that gathers concepts such as space design, art exhibition, research and study exchange, design living room, design R&D achievement model, private collection museum and so on. ” Over the years, we have accumulated private art collections, furnishings, original installations and furniture have been brought together to present the "ideal courtyard" in my mind.

我和光合团队在光合院内尝试各类设计艺术实践,如2021年底发布了艺术生活空间样本——“澄观:艺宿光合”展览,联合策划团队和艺术家们将光合院作为艺术栖居生活的实验场所,完成了一次美学空间与生活的再造。2020年及2021年,与光合机构团队携旗下的「光盒物仓」受邀参加第七届西岸艺术与设计博览会和第二届“设计之春”当代中国家具设计展。启发大众把对艺术遥不可及的印象转为“艺术是日常生活的一部分”的概念,展示当下的设计美学与生活智慧。2021年11月,在上海 BFC 外滩金融中心1900艺术空间,又推出了“光的时空屋”,展开了一次江南园林与摩登都市对话的美学空间模式。

My team and I tried various artist design practices in the courtyard, such as the release of the art living space sample "Chengguan: Yisu Guanghe" exhibition at the end of 2021, and the joint planning team and artists used the Guanghe courtyard as an experimental place for art to live and live, completing a re-creation of aesthetic space and life. In 2020 and 2021, together with the team of Photosynthetic Institution Team, together with its "Light Box Warehouse", we were invited to participate in the 7th West Bund Art & Design Fair and the 2nd "Design Spring" Contemporary Chinese Furniture Design Exhibition. We hope to inspire the public and bring the notion of art closer to people and blending art into their daily life by showing the current design aesthetics and life wisdom. In November 2021, at the 1900 Art Space of the Bund Financial Center (BFC) in Shanghai, "Time and Space House of Light" was launched, launching an aesthetic space mode of dialogue between Jiangnan gardens and modern cities.IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


What are the good designs for the younger generation?


First of all, the designers nowadays are born rebellious, they prefer "direct", do not like to be told nor follow the mainstream, they stand firm with their values. Secondly, future-oriented, scientifically and technically advanced, even universe-oriented digital applications or toys will be most exciting for them, possibly most relaxing pastime.


There is no transition period for emotional build-up or slow mental preparation, they want direct and instant, either spicy or icy, not the traditional tea ceremony choosing green tea or black tea. Of course they like very much the fun, humorous and teasinfood for thoughts. I find it easy and friendly when I interact with young people with jokes. Humor is a great power in the world that melts many boundaries caused by serious confrontations and problems. Like I used to say, design can be very chilled, simply bringing easy joy to people's lives.IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


What was your first piece of art or antique collection and the recent/favorite one?


My first piece of art collection was purely coincidental. I was on my graduation tour in Dunhuang before my college graduation in 1986, by chance we were passing by Ta Er temple, I paid in total 150RMB for the knife, back then it was 1/3 of total budget of the whole trip. So that was my first piece of collection bought from a local Tibantan at the gate of the temple. My fascination with collecting art pieces along my journey begins.


This bracelet I am wearing has an interesting story too. We were driving on the mountain near Nice, France and we encountered an art store owned by a couple. The wife is an architect, the husband might be an artist of sort too. What he did with this piece was heating up normal forks and spoons that we use daily and stretching them longer, welded to join the ends together to make a bracelet.


I often talked about design and art based on daily life, this is an example of it. This bracelet is so simply made with daily objects, and the design is no less than any masterpiece in my opinion. These folks and spoons, from being held by people to hanging around the wrist, become more like a symbol or belief. It has a totally different meaning now.IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


What kind of advice would you give to younger designers?

我们现在更关注年轻人的成长。从业 30 多年,我被邀参加的许多社会活动都是跟培养新生代设计人才关联的,包括公益基金会、学会大赛大奖、艺术学院、培训基地等等。只是,有时候我会思考几个问题——“年轻人需要我们用怎样的方式去关心他们?我们如何起到了关心的作用?我年轻的时候是如何被启发的?”

Nowadays we pay more attention to young designer's growth. In my over 30 years’ career, my involvement in many design industry events has been aiming to support the future of young designers, including working with Non-profit organizations, many foundations, associations, academy, trade fair, training center, public classes, and official appearances etc. I always have the questions such as ” does the young people need us to support in this way? Does the support work? Who suppoted me when I was young?”


Young designers shall have curiosity and sensitivity toward the world as a starting point. The older generation, like myself, did not achieve what we have today easily, not saying we did great or anything like that, just to say it has not been easy for us. Furthermore, the future is uncertain for us too, so to a certain extent we are as confused about the future as for young designers.


When young people move forward with their life and career, they should learn to exercise their independent thinking and follow their hearts. Take advantage of the strengths and avoid weaknesses, and do what you feel is the most natural thing to do. Try to do things differently than others, show your unique qualities, and achieve your own value.IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12



○ 一杯水会因为容器的精美而变成享受。

○ 设计是一种预谋。

○ 风不会老,光不会旧,声音不会打折,想象力是最鲜活的。

○ 将贵的东西放在便宜的地方,是场所精神的自信。

○ 看得见的场所,看不见的设计,让精神再现。

○ 光,不仅是照亮方向,更是点燃想象。

○ 设计让艺术生活成为日常。

IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


© 图片提供:光合机构、典尚设计

© 文案编辑:OBJEKT 境界(ink pasta)


IDD | 对话巨匠 陈耀光:设计是一场预谋,发现空间新美学/ VOL.12


荷兰代尔夫特理工大学 MBA 科技管理硕士

OBJEKT ASIA 境界杂志亚洲版主编/联合创始人

米兰国际家具展上海展设计卫星展评委之一 (2019)

2017 年全国最大的“荷兰百年风格派-回顾与致敬”展览 (北京 751) 的发起人和策展人

2023-05-06 19:21:05






