IDD | 对话巨匠:Steven Holl 建筑师事务所合伙人、亚洲区项目总监 Roberto Bannura/ VOL.6

    建筑现场 · 2022-11-28 10:54:44

IDD | 对话巨匠:Steven Holl 建筑师事务所合伙人、亚洲区项目总监 Roberto Bannura/ VOL.6

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IDD世界领先设计对话,是广州设计周联合GIA广州设计周全球伙伴联盟中的中外设计领先机构、组织和媒体发起的一项对话世界设计领先者的国际设计交流计划,IDD世界领先设计对话以「MASTER MIND巨匠的思索」为思想探寻的的主旨方向,希冀通过与世界领先设计巨匠对话,探索世界领先设计思想,以世界领先推动中国领先,以中国领先影响世界设计。

IDD世界领先设计对话 · 宣传片



Dialoguing With Masters To Follow The Leading


对话巨匠 追随领先 | VOL.6

Roberto Bannura

智利 | Republic of Chile

 Steven Holl Architects          
Steven Holl Architects is a 35-person innovative architecture and urban design office working globally as one office from three locations: New York City, Beijing and Hudson Valley.
Steven Holl Architects is recognized for the ability to shape space and light with great contextual sensitivity and to catalyze the unique qualities of each project to create a concept-driven design at multiple scales, from minimal dwellings, to university works, to new hybrid models of urbanism. The firm has realized architectural works around the world, with extensive experience in the arts, campus and educational facilities, and residential work, as well as mix use and office design, public works, and master planning.
- IDD对话巨匠系列专访 -
对话 Steven Holl 事务所合伙人
亚洲区项目总监 Roberto Bannura
广州设计周 x RARA x OBJEKT境界杂志 联袂巨献
对话巨匠:走进斯蒂文·霍尔建筑师事务所 · 访谈正片

 Roberto Bannura         


Steven Holl Architects Partner, Asia Director

IDD | 对话巨匠:Steven Holl 建筑师事务所合伙人、亚洲区项目总监 Roberto Bannura/ VOL.6

罗勃特先生自2007年起加入斯蒂文·霍尔建筑师事务所,至今已于北京15年了。2010年时他升任事务所北京办公室的总监,2018年成为事务所合伙人。在来到中国之前他居住纽约10年之久。他于1995年在智利大学以最优异成绩毕 业,取得建筑师与城市规划师学位(等同于硕士学位)。
Mr. Bannura has spent the last 15 years living and working in Beijing since he joined Steven Holl Architects in 2007. In 2010, Mr. Bannura was made Director of the Beijing office and in 2018 he became Partner. Prior to his involvement in China, Mr. Bannura spent 10 years living and working in New York City, Mr. Bannura received his Degree of Architect and Urban Planner from the Universidad de Chile in 1995 (Master Degree equivalent), where he graduated Summa Cum Laude.





How do you maintain that kind of leadership position?There are 2 sides to this leadership.

这是很好的问题,感谢你提出来。我觉得 Steven 对未来的愿景给我们提供了很好的帮助,使得成为行业领先者是很容易的事情。Steven 和库哈斯,扎哈都是伦敦AA的建筑学同学,他们在那里相识相知,成为挚友,但之后都各自成立了迥然不同的事务所,也都非常成功。我认为能够让我们一直都处于领先地位的还是要归功于 Steven 在我们每个人头脑中灌输的对建筑品质从不妥协的高要求,为此要穷尽我们所有的能力来做出优秀的建筑。

Great question. I love the question thanks for asking it. I think it's it's an easy thing to do and all credit goes to the firm that Steven envisioned to have. Him, Rem Koolhaas and Zaha Hadid all met at the AA and they became really close friends. Then they ended up having very different practices, very accomplished practices, but very different practices. If you think there's a level of leadership in the work we do, I'd like to think it's because of the high quality standards and the uncompromising aspect that Steven instilled in all of us, in achieving great architecture to the best of our capabilities.

IDD | 对话巨匠:Steven Holl 建筑师事务所合伙人、亚洲区项目总监 Roberto Bannura/ VOL.6

IDD | 对话巨匠:Steven Holl 建筑师事务所合伙人、亚洲区项目总监 Roberto Bannura/ VOL.6

IDD | 对话巨匠:Steven Holl 建筑师事务所合伙人、亚洲区项目总监 Roberto Bannura/ VOL.6


COFCO Culture & Health Center,  Shanghai 

图片Photo by:Aogvision 奥观建筑视觉



What is the relation(ship) for you and for the firm between art and architecture?

我们所做的项目都遵循某个思路,这个思路要足够强大,可以指导我们从概念阶段一直到执行落地阶段。从功能和形式,到与马蒂斯画作的关联(针对当代MOMA项目而言)。再从形式到材料以及家具的选择,这是组织起所有方面的一条线索。显然,这一思路都来自我们的首席设计师 Steven ,这个方法很好,就像是给了我们一把大伞,我们可以在下面做事和探索。

Every project that we do follows a single idea that is strong enough to carry the project from concept (such as) the hybrid of functions and forms and the association to Matisse in regards to the Linked Hybrid project, all the way to the selection of materials and furniture, that is sort of one thread that organizes everything. Obviously, that concept comes from Steven, our lead designer. It's a really good strategy because it gives you some sort of umbrella to operate under.


For instance our Chengdu (Raffles city) project had a different concept altogether, which was manifested on how it was inserted into the urban fabric of Chengdu, how we really wanted to create a public space surrounded by the architecture, so the massing of the building and the public space are indivisible. You cannot remove one from the other, so in that sense, I think as in the LINKED HYBRID, every project that we do is extremely different because it is a matter of exploration. It's always a singular idea and is very site-specific.

IDD | 对话巨匠:Steven Holl 建筑师事务所合伙人、亚洲区项目总监 Roberto Bannura/ VOL.6

IDD | 对话巨匠:Steven Holl 建筑师事务所合伙人、亚洲区项目总监 Roberto Bannura/ VOL.6



图片Photo by:Steven Holl Architects



What future holds for Steven Holl, China? What are the keywords?


I think it would continue to be "exploration" for sure, hopefully getting a little bit of that urban regeneration. At the core of our practice is the creation of communal spaces. That's in every one of our projects. That's very important to us. And that's why I think we should get a lot of the urban projects here in China in a way, because that's centered within our proposal.


I am particularly interested right now in exploring urban regeneration. I live in Beijing. Beijing has been my home for 15 years and I see that that's the way it's going. And I think it's both an excellent development in terms of sustainability design and to regenerate an urban area, a building or a structure(at the same time). That, I think, is one of the most sustainable things we can do right now instead of beginning from scratch, you can actually achieve a sustainable project if you are renovating an area of a city, and second to that is the urban (invigoration) part . We can do and we have done work like that.


I have to be honest with you. I've always wanted to do more cultural projects in China. I would love to do a university project for instance, we're pretty good at that I think. We've done museums and with that, pretty much everything else within cultural buildings and for some reason (university projects keep on) slipping from our grasp. I would love to do something related to education here in China.


iCarbonX Headquarters Complex, Shenzhen 

图片Photo by:Aogvision 奥观建筑视觉



How do you do business development or select projects to do?


We are fortunate enough and very grateful that people know of our work. Steven has been spearheading a firm that is fairly consistent in the type of work we do. 


We don't see it as business and we see it as an architectural firm that tries to meet new and enthusiastic collaborators. What we seek is a true partner who understands the work we do and is willing to explore that with us. We get invited to many competitions since planning departments know the type of work we can do and how we can, in a way, contribute with an interesting proposal to a discussion.


I'd like to say that we like to work more on fewer projects than work less on more projects.



图片Photo by:Steven Holl Architects





What changes do you find in China in recent years to sustainability&Carbon neutralization design?


During the Covid experience, we went through sort of a deep soul-searching experience, "How can we work differently? What needs to be done differently?" And we quickly came to the realization that because we had been practicing concepts of sustainable design (as people are validating open space and green space), the merger of landscape and architecture, use of natural light, cross-air natural ventilation and so on. all those elements are embedded into the architectural design that we have been doing all along. So, the Gen-Z is pretty wise in that regard. They have this very positive activism that they want things to be green, to be renewable. And we're right there, we don't have to redo things. So we don't have to sort of reposition our firm and the work we do. I think we need to make sure that people understand the work we do, and basically to go there and experience the building we designed.

IDD | 对话巨匠:Steven Holl 建筑师事务所合伙人、亚洲区项目总监 Roberto Bannura/ VOL.6

IDD | 对话巨匠:Steven Holl 建筑师事务所合伙人、亚洲区项目总监 Roberto Bannura/ VOL.6


CIFI building, Beijing 

图片Photo by:Aogvision 奥观建筑视觉


What do you think of "picture-perfect" architecture?


Buildings are meant to be experienced, that's the ultimate goal. Unfortunately now, and I think you may agree with me as you work in media, what most of the people consume is digital media. Particularly for the work that we do, the main driver for designing our buildings is the experience, not the form, not the geometry, it's not just for the pretty photos. People need to experience the space, understand the concepts. The placement of it on the site, the relationship it has with the site, with its history. It's a very personal observation, but you only get it if you experience a building.


Any advice for younger designers?


It is, as you say, challenging times. But at the same time, I think going back to what I mentioned before I truly believe that you don't study to be an architect. I mean if this is for you, you BECOME that person, you become that professional. So it is not because the market is down that you stop being an architect or not because you lost your job or your project got cancelled that you stop being an architect. There are many ways that you can and you should always continue to be creative. Even if you are out of the workforce, then find a way to design yourself. There are competitions, you keep accumulating your design vocabulary and elaborating your design language. And you can do that all the time, regardless of the market conditions.

IDD | 对话巨匠:Steven Holl 建筑师事务所合伙人、亚洲区项目总监 Roberto Bannura/ VOL.6

IDD | 对话巨匠:Steven Holl 建筑师事务所合伙人、亚洲区项目总监 Roberto Bannura/ VOL.6

IDD | 对话巨匠:Steven Holl 建筑师事务所合伙人、亚洲区项目总监 Roberto Bannura/ VOL.6

IDD | 对话巨匠:Steven Holl 建筑师事务所合伙人、亚洲区项目总监 Roberto Bannura/ VOL.6

IDD | 对话巨匠:Steven Holl 建筑师事务所合伙人、亚洲区项目总监 Roberto Bannura/ VOL.6

肯尼迪中心表演中心 THE REACH,华盛顿 

The REACH at the John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts, Washington, D.C 

图片Photo by:Richard Barnes
2022-11-28 10:54:44






