
    德国gmp建筑设计有限公司 · 2022-10-12 17:14:17



本期采访人——施特凡·瑞沃勒(Stephan Rewolle)是gmp合伙人,在北京居住了近20年,曾参与了中国国家博物馆的改造设计。在采访中,他谈到了对北京这个城市的迷恋、对胡同的喜爱以及国际建筑师事务所在中国的未来等等。
October 11, 2022, marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People's Republic of China and the Federal Republic of Germany. gmp, an architecture firm founded in Hamburg, Germany, has been present in China for more than 20 years.
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Germany, we interviewed architects from gmp, who mediate between the two cultures while living and working in both China and Germany.
Stephan Rewolle, partner at gmp, has lived in Beijing for nearly 20 years and is one of the architects responsible for the reconstruction and design of China National Museum. In the interview, he talked about his fascination with the city of Beijing, his love of hutong, the future of international architect firms in China, and more.
Below you can find our interview with him.


1. You have been living in Beijing since 2004. As an architect, what aspect of Beijing do you especially like?

Beijing is a city of enormous contrasts – compared to the modern city quarters with their high-rise buildings that lined up along the ever-growing rings around the city’s core, the city center with its hutong alleys seems like a huge village.

As an architect, I have always been fascinated by the unusual urban experience and the extreme change in scale - in other words not so much individual buildings, but rather the unique urban structure that has evolved from history. On my way to work, I either travel on a time-warp through historic city quarters with alleys, some less than 2 meters wide, or I drive on huge six-lane roads through the modern part of Beijing.


2. What led to the decision of you going to Beijing and what kept you there for almost 20 years?


University friends and colleagues from gmp’s Berlin office, where I worked before I came to China, had helped to establish gmp’s Beijing office after the millennium and were looking for somebody to replace them. Although I had asked for two weeks to make my decision, I very soon realized that, in my mind, I was already in China.

When I then started in Beijing, we were very fortunate – early on – to be given the opportunity to design the Chinese National Museum in the heart of Beijing, which was a great honor for foreign architects. Working on this project to the end was not the only, but certainly an important, reason why I stayed in China for so long.


中国国家博物馆 © Christian Gahl


3. You live in a traditional hutong. What do you like about it?


The word ‘hutong’ actually refers to Beijing’s historic urban alley structure. The fact that these days this term also refers to the adjoining courtyard buildings, the so-called ‘siheyuan’, is indicative of the unusual density, the inseparability of architecture and street space. The alleys are not bordered by individual buildings, but are formed by continuous brick walls. What is behind these typically gray brick structures and how large the individual residences are can only be guessed at, and is often surprising. During the warm season – which in Beijing is from April to October – these narrow alleys transform into a kind of extended living area, which actually creates a wonderful village character within this city of 20 million inhabitants.



4. What is it like working with Chinese colleagues in Beijing? What is it that unites you?


Certainly, the inspiring experience of working with our Chinese colleagues is another important reason why I like to continuously contribute to the architectural work of our practice here in Beijing. In day-to-day activities, the cultural differences very often enrich the process of finding solutions; different thought patterns and attitudes lead to surprising solutions. People on all sides consider intercultural work as enriching, and many colleagues have already been here for more than 10 or 15 years.


在北京办公室与同事在一起 © Wang Youmin


5. After so many years, has Chinese culture influenced your architecture? If so, how?


In dialog with clients in China, architects are often required to accept many rounds of revision. Firstly, this “change culture” promotes a certain work efficiency in the sense of a fast response; secondly, it requires a certain mental agility to rethink designs and concepts without, however, neglecting one’s own underlying architectural principles.


与团队在设计工作中 © Wang Youmin


6. The rational and functional aspects of German culture and the image-based and symbolic elements in Chinese culture – how do these work together for you in architecture?


I think that, over the years, our architectural work in China is still anchored in the rational and meaningful – striving to reach a certain timelessness. There are many clients in China who appreciate exactly that, and expect it from us. Likewise, our Chinese colleagues, many of whom have studied in Europe or even in Germany, come to us for this reason.

An important aspect of our work is dialogue-based design, which not only means dialogue with the client but also refers to a dialogue with the cultural context of a building project. Obviously, in China this can lead to somewhat different solutions than in Germany – but the underlying attitude to architecture always remains the same.


外滩SOHO © Christian Gahl


7. What is gmp’s contribution to contemporary Chinese architecture?

在中国,有一些关键点会在我们的项目中反复出现:建筑与公共空间的交织产生新的公共领域; 包括景观规划、照明设计等在内的各专业一致地遵守并延续建筑设计方案; 以及最终出于对人的需求和合理性的尊重,坚持工艺细节的精益求精。

I do not really want to judge that. With our work, we promote architecture that is firmly based on a clear approach in dialogue with the respective context. This can lead to very different individual solutions that are nevertheless always based on our creative principles.

In China there are certain important aspects that repeatedly play a role in our projects, i.e., the interlinking of architecture and the public realm, the generation of new public space. We promote a continuum of the architectural concept throughout all areas of the project, including the interior, landscape design, lighting design, and so on. Last but not least, we emphasize careful workmanship in all details, which is ultimately so important for the human scale and sensuality.


天津滨海文化中心长廊及美术馆 © Christian Gahl


8. What is your favorite project? Why?


That’s a difficult question, but thinking of a more recent project, I would mention the AIIB headquarters in Beijing. This project provides a good, contemporary response to the client’s request to design an international bank building that is representative of the more than 100 nations involved, but at the same time is also rooted in the architecture of the local Chinese culture. I think that the completed building successfully manages to integrate cultural references in a modern, timeless architecture, which is a task of considerable importance in many projects in China.


亚洲金融大厦暨亚洲基础设施投资银行总部 © CreatAR Images


9. What are the future prospects for international architectural practices in China? What can be done to actively shape the future?

可持续发展议题在中国也扮演着越来越重要的角色。例如,中国的设计规范刚刚发布了新的、更严格的建筑表皮效能指南,减少玻璃表面的比例,幕墙建设,优先考虑预制装配式建造等。建筑规格变得更加 "适度",高层建筑的高度更加适度,避免复杂的建筑形式或简化复杂的结构受力体系,减少材料的数量,如用钢量,这一切都越来越受关注。

The subject of sustainability is playing an ever-increasing role in China too; for example, just recently the Chinese design code has been upgraded to include new, stricter standards for the efficiency of the building envelope, for reducing the proportion of glazed areas, for the facade design, and to include a preference for serial building. Client specifications tend to become more modest, the height of high-rise buildings less ambitious, complex building shapes and expensive structural systems are avoided or simplified, and a reduction in the quantity of materials such as construction steel is increasingly being discussed.

In this context, we have for some time been involved with redesigns and the revitalization of old building structures, trying to develop exemplary projects that generate attractive new places that make full use of the existing valuable resources. Currently, examples of this work are designs for the revitalization of former hotels, industrial buildings, museums, offices, and shopping malls, some of which have already been implemented.

Sustainable building is an area in which both countries can benefit from extensive exchange. I see good opportunities here for the future, and for international architectural practices playing a role in China in the context of jointly developing new solutions.


CHAO酒店 © Christian Gahl


2022-10-12 17:14:17






