捷报 | U City 通过南澳首个碳中和建筑认证

    伍兹贝格建筑设计事务所 · 2022-06-28 21:36:18

近期,伍兹贝格担纲建筑和室内设计的阿德莱德 U City 成为南澳第一个通过澳大利亚绿色建筑委员会 (GBCA) 和澳大利亚政府气候行动计划共同认证的碳中和建筑,同时获得绿色之星五星评级。

Designed by Woods Bagot, Uniting Communities’ U City has become the first building in South Australia to achieve Carbon Neutral Building Certification and a 5 star Green Star Performance Rating via the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) and the Australian Government’s Climate Active Program.

捷报 | U City 通过南澳首个碳中和建筑认证

业主 Uniting Communities 首席执行官 Simon Schrapel 表示,U City 2019 年开幕以来就在为实现碳中和而行动,包括:密切监测整个建筑的碳排放,涵盖天然气、制冷剂、购电、垃圾填埋、水耗等等;积极通过购买或收回碳排放的方式来平衡碳排放总量;向 GBCA 和气候行动计划报告;承诺抵消建筑 10 年的碳排放,包括向 EcoAustralia 本地植被恢复保护项目购买生物多样性碳信用等措施,以助力实现联合国可持续发展目标。

Uniting Communities Chief Executive Simon Schrapel said U City’s efforts to become carbon neutral since it opened in 2019 involved measuring the whole building’s carbon emissions – including natural gas, refrigerant, purchased electricity, waste to landfill and water consumed; purchasing and retiring offsets to cover the total emissions, and reporting to the GBCA and Climate Active. And Uniting Communities had provided a commitment to offset the building’s carbon emissions for 10 years. The carbon offsets include biodiversity credits from the Eco Australia native revegetation protection project, which contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

捷报 | U City 通过南澳首个碳中和建筑认证
捷报 | U City 通过南澳首个碳中和建筑认证

"U City 被澳大利亚房地产委员会认为是全国最棒的混合用途开发项目,也是境内首个将各种社会服务和办公、商业零售、酒店和面向老龄人口及特殊需求人士的住宅及长期租赁高效整合的综合健康社区。" Schrapel 先生分享道。

“Acknowledged by the Property Council of Australia as the nation’s best mixed use development, U City was the first of its kind built in Australia. It blends Uniting Communities’ varied social services and offices with commercial, retail, hospitality and other tenants, a retirement village, NDIS supported long term accessible rentals and an accessible hotel. ” Mr Schrapel said.

捷报 | U City 通过南澳首个碳中和建筑认证
捷报 | U City 通过南澳首个碳中和建筑认证

现阶段,随着医疗设计从“以医疗设施为中心”向“以使用者为本”的方向发展,伍兹贝格也正在寻求提供一种“高品质原居养老”的设计解决方案,为老龄人口带来更多参与城市及社区生活的可能性,而 U City 便是一个成功例证。

Nowadays, healthcare is in a period of transition from a hospital-centric to a people-centric approach. In recognition of this shift, W-B aims to provide a design solution that enables the seniors to engage in city life and stay close to the neighborhoods they know and love. And U City is a successful experiment that exemplifies this concept of "aging in place."

捷报 | U City 通过南澳首个碳中和建筑认证

设计团队将其作为一个“社会项目”来考虑,将设计、建造实体建筑物作为“社会干预”的手段,从而对周边社区产生积极影响,通过融合伍兹贝格多年来医疗、住宅、办公及商业领域丰富的设计经验,创造性的提出“垂直城市”的理念,在统一的建筑形式内,有机布局多元功能,让 U City 以公众性、包容性、全年龄段互联互动、交通便捷等特点,成为城市养老开发的新范例。

Thus, the design team sees U City as a social project rather than simply a physical one. The physical buildings should be a means of realising the social interventions and seek to provide a setting that would maximise the community impact. Drawing on our cross-sector diversity to blend residential, workplace and hospitality typologies, Woods Bagot employs a vertical village concept to produce the context for a highly desirable lifestyle and a community-focused public realm and create an outstanding and exemplary CBD healthy community in the region.



部分内容摘自 Uniting Communities 官网报道

2022-06-28 21:36:18






