reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

    建筑现场 · 2024-04-10 13:21:04

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus


丰富城市与景观肌理中的校园 摄影:胡康榆

extreme urban context: skyscrapers, urban village, river and mountains of Hong Kong © Hu Kangyu



Futian High School Campus is a ground-breaking model of boarding school in the heart of Shenzhen, the most modern and dynamic Chinese metropolis. Its unicity comes from multiple factors: a context of extreme urban conditions, a very high density, a program layout that allows most facilities to be shared with the neighbours, together make Futian Campus a prototype of “a new city within the city”.


项目背景 The context


reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus


场地区位 site location


1980 年,深圳设立“经济特区”之时,还只是一个人口仅 30 万的小渔村。漫长的海岸线和与香港毗邻的地理位置,使其具有重要战略意义。这座城市经历了人类历史上最快的城市化进程,仅44年后的今天,城市人口已接近 1800 万。

In 1980, when Shenzhen was given the status of “special economic zone”, the city was little more than a cluster of fishermen villages with a total population of 300,000 inhabitants in a strategic geographic position due to its extended coastline and its proximity to Hong Kong. Thanks to its special status the city has experienced the fastest process of urbanization in human history and nowadays it hosts almost 18 million inhabitants.

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus


极致的场地环境:丰富城市与景观肌理中的校园 摄影:张超

extreme urban context: skyscrapers, urban village, river and mountains of Hong Kong © Zhang Chao



This unprecedented urban growth has had positive and negative effects: on the one hand it has spurred the city to become the engine of Chinese innovation (both in social and economic terms); on the other hand it has produced phenomena of hyper-densification due to scarcity of available soil - as a reference Shenzhen and Beijing have a similar population, but Shenzhen has only 1/8 of Beijing’s area - and lack of public facilities, particularly schools, which have not managed to keep up with the pace of growth of the rest of the city. To solve this deficit, in the last five years the local government has built more than 200 new schools.

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus


校园夜景鸟瞰 摄影:张超

campus birdview (night) © Zhang Chao



Futian is located right at the centre of the new metropolis. Within a radius of a few kilometres from the school, one can observe the greatest variety of urban fabrics: Hong Kong green reserve land in the distance, Futian urban village (one of the few remains of the old town) in the immediate adjacency, already surrounded by new 100+ meters high residential towers, the new Central Park in front and on the other side of the park, the imposing skyscrapers of the CBD. In this context, the site of the school, locked by high-rise buildings on three sides, presented itself as one of the last plots of low density to be upgraded by the new development.

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

场地原状 site condition

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus


高密度城市包围的校园 摄影:张超

surrounded by dense urban fabric ©Zhang Chao



The city’s search for innovation resonated in the competition call for Futian High School, through a new urban manifesto called “8+1 - Futian New Campus Action Plan”. The competition brief asked architects to fundamentally rethink the idea of “campus” and explore new school typologies that had to address an unprecedented density and a changing educational system; in other words rethinking what a contemporary school campus should be and how it can operate locally, proposing new hybrid typologies that allow a stronger dialogue with its neighbouring community.

城市策略 Urban strategy

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus


城市剖面 urban section



The higher volumes of the teaching towers and the dorms are placed along the east and south boundaries of the site, creating a clear connection with the skyline of the adjacent buildings and a smooth degrading transition towards the urban void of the park. The imposing volume of the dorms (120m long and 50m high) is divided by a series of vertical and horizontal cuts that articulate the massing and bring down its scale to blend with the built fabric of the adjacent urban village.

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus


顶视图 摄影:张超 top view © Zhang Chao


设计生成 design process


Contrary to most Chinese schools that are arranged around a central focal point (usually the sports field), the buildings of Futian Campus are focusing outwards: through a series of visual corridors all the volumes open up to the mesmerizing views of Futian Central Park and the CBD. Thus students are not isolated from the city anymore, but they are active spectators of the surrounding city.

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus


教学楼间的视线通廊 摄影:张超

view corridor between teaching towers © Zhang Chao



A school without a fence:

sharing facilities with the neighbours

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

通往架空操场的城市侧快捷入口 摄影:张超

street access to the elevated sports field © Zhang Chao

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus


新旧对比:校园入口 摄影(右图):张超

old and new: entrance



Traditionally Chinese schools are urban islands with campus structures that isolate them from their neighbours and a lot of underused facilities that for security reasons are not accessible by external users. Futian Campus design challenges this configuration in favour of a much more flexible management scheme that partially opens the school to the local community.

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

裙房轴测图 podium

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus
reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

直接面向城市街道的报告厅社会门厅 摄影:张超

public lobby of the auditorium open to the city © Zhang Chao

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

剖透视图 sectional perspective


为了能够在用地紧张的场地上实现设计任务书中的所有功能需求,设计将操场抬升至7.4米的平台之上并靠西侧城市街道放置,如此布局造就了一个与众不同的城市界面:学校沿主干道的边界不再是围墙,而是一个透明而有吸引力的立面,市民可直接从街道进入社会门厅,进而通向操场平台下方的一系列文体设施。朝向城市和校园内部的双门厅设计,使得分时共享可以便捷的发生,却不会与校园内的学生活动相冲突。在周末或者举行特殊活动时,总面积达13600平方米的文体设施(篮球馆、风雨篮球场、排球场、羽毛球场、健身房、游泳池、展览空间以及一个可容纳 1000 人的报告厅)均能对外开放,使学校由封闭的孤岛转变成一个真正向公共开放的市民中心。

In order to fulfil all the functional requirements of the brief in a relatively small site, one crucial design decision was to elevate the running track 7.4m above the road level, creating a thick podium that hosts all the larger pieces of the program, organized around a series of courtyards that create a porous mat structure. This configuration allowed to create an unusual urban interface: rather than the standard blind fence, the school boundary along the main road is a transparent façade that gives direct access to a series of semi-public facilities. In the weekends or for special events, a group of indoor and semi-outdoor basketball, volleyball and badminton courts, a gym, a swimming pool, an exhibition space and a 1,000 seats auditorium (in total 13,600 m2 of public program) can all be opened to external users, thus transforming the school from a hermetic bubble into a civic centre.

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

运动中心 sports center

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus


风雨篮球场与通透的城市界面 摄影:胡康榆

semi-outdoor basketball courts and permeable urban interface © Hu Kangyu


reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus
reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus


风雨篮球场、通透的城市界面 摄影:胡康榆

semi-outdoor basketball courts and permeable urban interface © Hu Kangyu


reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus
reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus
reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus


羽毛球场、篮球馆、健身房 摄影:张超

semi-outdoor badminton courts, indoor basket court and gym © Zhang Chao

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

食堂轴测图 canteen

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus


学生食堂 摄影:张超 canteen © Zhang Chao


为应对地块的不规则形状和局促的入口空间,设计将原本南北方向布置的操场逆时针旋转 15 度,不但可以吸纳不规则用地红线所造成的一系列边角空间,还在场地西南侧形成放大的入口广场和更加宜人开放的公共共享城市界面。操场的旋转使我们还给城市一个近千平方米的入口广场,一经落地即成为周边市民休闲、儿童玩耍运动的活力街区公园。

As a response to the irregular shape of the site, the running track on top of the podium is rotated 15 degrees anti-clockwise from the ideal north-south orientation to create a smoother connection with the buildings around it. As a result a triangular plaza is formed on the south-west corner of the plot, where the main gate is located. The entrance plaza is designed to give a generous space for the intense traffic of students and parents in school hours, but, especially in the evenings, it is also effectively a new active space open for public use.

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus
reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

校园入口:还给城市的广场 (傍晚与清晨)摄影:张超

entrance plaza (dusk and morning) © Zhang Chao

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

运动场西立面雨棚 摄影:张超

canopy façade

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus


运动场雨棚:天花 摄影:胡康榆

canopy façade © Hu Kangyu



A large stair connects the street with the grades of the sports field, allowing the facility to operate as a proper professional district-level stadium with a covered seats capacity for more than 3,000 spectators.

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus


周边的小学在福田中学开展年度运动会 摄影:郑新然

shared sport facilities with other schools © Zheng Xinran



reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus


a future addition of a pedestrian bridge that would connect the stadium and the park

The design of the public circulation includes the plan for a future addition of a pedestrian bridge that would create a direct connection between the stadium and the park.

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

田径场 摄影:张超

running track © Zhang Chao

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

连接裙房上下运动空间的楼梯 摄影:胡康榆

stair connecting the lower and upper sports fields © Hu Kangyu

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

田径场与教学楼 摄影:袁小宜

running track and teaching towers © Yuan Xiaoyi

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus


操场:安静的日常与沸腾的运动会 摄影:胡康榆

seating area for sports field (quiet time vs sports day) © Hu Kangyu



Mediating the extreme density

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

多层地面:望向CBD天际线 摄影:胡康榆

multi-layered campus with a view of the CBD © Hu Kangyu

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

多层地面 摄影:胡康榆

multiplied grounds © Hu Kangyu

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus


功能布局 program stack


福田中学在占地约41000平方米的原校址通过重新的校园设计,升级成为一所拥有60个行政班3000名高中生的寄宿制高中——12万平方米超大的目标总建筑量使得除去田径场外建筑用地上的容积率达到3.87,是普通中学的2-3倍,因此被称为”8+1” 福田新校园行动计划九所学校中的“高密度之王”。在如此极端的高密度状况下,设计要满足日照条件、自然通风、消防安全以及其他严格的规范要求,已然是一项巨大的挑战。但最为挑战性的是,如何才能减少如此高密度校园所产生的压抑感?为此,我们提出“多孔校园”和“多层地面”两个空间策略。

Futian Campus is a boarding school for a community of 3,000 students with a GFA of 120,000 m2 on a plot area of 41,000 m2. The project started as a renovation of an existing school, but the original floor area had to be quadrupled, making any preservation strategy impossible. With such numbers, the fulfilment of optimal solar conditions, proper natural ventilation, fire safety and other strict normative requirements was already a big achievement, but the most challenging design goal was to mitigate the sense of oppression that such high density could easily generate. For this scope, reMIX’s strategy focused on two main principles: maximizing porosity and “multiplying grounds”.

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

入口架空广场 摄影:张超

entrance plaza © Zhang Chao

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

教学楼与学生宿舍 摄影:胡康榆

teaching towers and students' dorm © Hu Kangyu

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus


宿舍立面及“裂缝”中的攀岩墙 摄影:胡康榆

dorm façade



Achieving a high porosity, through the insertion of voids of different sizes both on the vertical axis (courtyards) and on the horizontal axis (covered terraces) is not only a valid design strategy to adapt to sub-tropical climatic conditions where natural ventilation is crucial, but it is also a way of creating new semi-outdoor spaces that operate at the human scale and help break down the imposing monumentality of the overall massing.

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

多层地面 multiplied grounds

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

位于三层的教学裙房屋面广场(左),教学楼(右) 摄影:胡康榆

podium deck at F3 © Hu Kangyu

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

教学楼立面 摄影:胡康榆

teaching tower façade

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus


教学楼立面 摄影:胡康榆

teaching tower façade © Hu Kangyu



On a similar line, by “multiplying grounds” the massing process aims at creating as many active surfaces as possible, splitting the building volumes and displacing them on different interconnected levels. It is a spatial strategy that generates a distributed network of ever changing outdoor spaces and nodal filters through a large variety of connections and typologies of enclosure, smoothening up the transition between the landscape and the buildings.

THE LOOP | 空中社交圈


The loop: much more than a circulation system

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

空中社交圈 loop

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

校园鸟瞰图 摄影:张超

campus birdview © Zhang Chao

“THE LOOP”的出发点是解决一个高密度高层校园中这个极具挑战性的问题:3000 名学生在高达13层的宿舍楼和数栋高层教学楼中穿梭,瞬时竖向人流压力如何能得以缓解?电梯自然无法完全解决这个问题。我们提出了空中社交圈的概念:它由串联教学区各建筑的400米环路和宿舍楼200米的架空层共同组成。它不仅在20-30米的高空塑造了一个视野极佳的第二地面,也成为宿舍与教学楼之间的“捷径”。它提供了一种新的交通方式,同时将高层建筑的宿舍楼以中央架空层划分成上下两个多层建筑,形成一个适合垂直校园体系的交通系统。

The starting point in the design of the loop was a practical solution to a very challenging issue: 3,000 students live in a dorm building that reaches 13 floors of height and every morning they all need to move at once to reach their respective classrooms. How can one make such massive flow happen without heavily relying on elevators, not a feasible option for a school? The solution came from splitting up the volume of the dorms to create a public platform on the 9th floor that overviews the whole campus and connects to all the teaching towers on the 6th and 7th floor, through a system of bridges and stepped roofs. By splitting the high-rise buildings into two low-rise horizontal halves, this new elevated path cuts vertical movements by half, allowing students living or studying in the higher floors to move across the whole campus without the need of going up and down infinite flies of stairs.

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

宿舍架空层 摄影:胡康榆

connection from the dorm to the teaching area © Hu Kangyu

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

从宿舍架空层走向空中社交圈 摄影:胡康榆

connection from the dorm to the teaching area © Hu Kangyu

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus


教学楼 摄影:胡康榆

teaching towers © Hu Kangyu


当然,空中社交圈远不只是一个高效的交通体系,在规划上不是出于最短路径原则,设计上也不是一个简单的连廊系统,而是一个在教学楼6-7层间上下起伏,由楼梯、坡道、架空层、露天剧场、屋面花园等串联起来的连贯社交空间体系。它连接了校园高区中一系列最为公共的使用功能——教学区灵活教室、露天阶梯教室、宿舍共享学习及健身区等—— 这一系列非正式社交空间和创新启发式的学习空间,鼓励师生之间的交流、共享与碰撞随时随地自然发生。空中社交圈营造了20余处尺度、高低、视野、围合感各不相同的户外和半户外空间,成为学生日常的发现与惊喜的来源——它在超高效的空间体系中提供了适度低效的可能,在超级集体生活中提供了极为必要的个人体验空间。

The loop, though, is not just a circulation system and it is certainly not driven only by efficiency, in fact none of the connections is straight nor follows shortest-walk principles. It is rather a three-dimensional combination of diverse social spaces (seating areas, open air classrooms, amphitheatres, roof gardens, etc.) that are designed to promote curiosity and inspire spontaneous activities and exchanges between students, recreating in a way all the interesting informal interactions that occur in the city. In other words, the loop is a meandering “social bend” designed to organize the campus life, privileging diverse individual experiences in spite of social segregation.

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

从宿舍架空层走向空中社交圈 摄影:张超

roof terrace of the mediateque © Zhang Chao

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

图书馆屋面露天剧场 摄影:胡康榆

roof of the library © Hu Kangyu

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus
reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus
reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus
reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus


空中社交圈:露天阶梯教室、 自由讨论区、实验室展示界面 摄影:张超、胡康榆

the loop: semi-outdoor stepped classroom, discussion area, scientific labs with clear interface to the corridor © Zhang Chao and Hu Kangyu



An ecological campus

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

候鸟迁徙路径 摄影:胡康榆 bird migration route

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus


生态剖面 ecological section



Futian campus is located along a very important corridor for migratory birds. In the old school, during the migration season, students could observe big flocks of birds resting on the grass of the sports field - one of the reason why the competition brief asked for a grass football pitch. The new massing of the campus degrading towards the park makes it a bird friendly eco-system.

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus


峡谷自然博物馆 the jungle



While the multiple courtyards and gardens on the podium are designed to address storm water management strategies and human-related needs, the green roofs of the teaching towers are mainly designed for the birds.

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

峡谷自然博物馆 摄影:张超

the jungle © Zhang Chao

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus


峡谷:多孔性 摄影:张超

the jungle: massing porosity © Zhang Chao



A three-dimensional system of green spaces creates an interconnected ecological infrastructure. The design of the green system responds to multiple functional goals: food provision for migratory birds, rain gardens and botanical exhibition areas provide environmental benefits as well valuable educational material for the students.

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

从中心公园看向校园 摄影:张超

view from Central Park © Zhang Chao

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus
reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus
reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus
reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus


ground floor plan, third floor plan, sixth floor plan, seventh floor plan

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus
reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus


section SN and section WE

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

体育场雨棚节点图 canopy detail

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

教学楼节点图 teaching tower detail

reMIX作品 | 多重互联:福田中学校园设计 | Link-ed(u): Futian high-school campus

宿舍节点图 dorm detail



年份:2018 - 2023

面积:120,774 m2





主持建筑师:陈忱、Nicola Saladino、吕守拓、Federico Ruberto



Alexandre Braleret、王翊人、Marco Navarro、聂鹏、Javier Pelaez、许诺凡、陈思、黄佳鸿、王瑞婷、姚杰奇(深化阶段)








Project data

Year: 2018 - 2023

Size: 120,774 m2

Type: educational

Status: completed

Location: Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Client: Shenzhen Futian Educational Bureau, Shenzhen Futian Public Works Bureau

Partners in charge: Chen Chen, Nicola Saladino, Shoutuo Lyu, Federico Ruberto

Project Architect: Jiajia Zhang

Design team: Muzhi Chen, Jintong Duan, Yiren Wang, Yangyang Liu, Bingling Xu, Si Chen, Yuxuan Chen, Lu Tan (competition)

Alexandre Braleret, Yiren Wang, Marco Navarro, Peng Nie, Javier Pelaez, Nuofan Xu, Si Chen, Jiahong Huang, Ruiting Wang, Jieqi Yao (design development)

Construction agency: Vanke

Local Design Institute: CAPOL

Landscape design development: PIO Landscape

Interior design development: SD Design

Lighting consultant: Ning Field Lighting Design Corp. Ltd.

Photography: Chao Zhang, Kangyu Hu, Xiaoyi Yuan, Xinran Zheng

2024-04-10 13:21:04






