
    建筑档案 · 2021-12-03 16:30:34

沿街立面 摄影:柯剑波








—— 朱浪进

When the sand leak away,

I am listening to you.

So the houses become clearer.

Words are surrounded.

From the early morning to the dusk,

Architecture tells itself,

In silence.

—— Zhu Langjin


The progression of era

项目视频 ©房子和诗+柯剑波


This short poem written in 2015 appropriately express my feeling when I first visit the original site of Meizhuang four years later. Architecture is silent, but it tells itself through space, materials, and structure. The two similar antique buildings are composed of four different structures across three decades. Thus reveal the progression of the era.

原始建筑信息分析图 ©房子和诗

改造前各区域室内情况 ©房子和诗



Meizhuang Boutique Hotel is located in the" Yanzhou Ancient City • Meicheng Scenic Spots ". It is located on the central of Meicheng, just next to the Chengqing Gate. Beyond the gate is a river, where the Xinan River, Fuchun River, and Lanjiang River meet.

梅庄区位卫星地图 ©房子和诗

梅城古镇是古严州府府衙所在地,距今已有一千七百多年历史,在此 历史前提下,我们的设计工作需要的不仅是对古镇的自然文化背景 的理解与尊 重,也要考虑到梅城古镇规划的整体需求,将建筑巧妙的融合到大环境中。 同时梅庄民宿所处的独特的地理位置以及 古 镇更新的时代需求,让 我们不止步于单纯满足建筑功能需求 , 也想做出一些新的突破。

Approximately 1,700 years ago, Meicheng Ancient Town used to be the old Yanzhou government office. Under this historical context, our design not only should base on the understanding and respect of the cultural background, but also it is necessary to take into account the overall urban planning of Meicheng. The key is to integrate the building into the surrounding environment. At the same time, due to the unique geographical location of the site and the increasing need for the ancient town renewal, we want to make some breakthroughs on the premise of satisfying the function of the building.

梅庄区位分析 ©房子和诗

历史渐进 —— 和而不同


Base on the investigation and the fact that the original site includes buildings from a different era, we decided to keep the historical context as much as possible in the premise of structural safety and functionality. Yet at the same time merging in some modernity. The concept is to introduce to the audience a progression of the era.

梅庄民宿建筑结构爆炸图 ©房子和诗


We replan the functions on top of conserve and reinforce the original structure. Merely demolished and rebuilt a part that is severely damaged. The rebuilt part has to be as close to the original archetype. At the same time we retained the original precast concrete trusses.

改造前-建于2015年的原仿古建筑外立面 摄影:朱浪进


One of the major obstacles was dealing with the external antique façade. We think that ornamentation with no purpose behind is just so dull compare to the richness of cultural history. The best way is to respond to history and surrounding site context. We choose to unify the two individual shopfronts with intricate timber lattice.

菠萝格木构体系生成图 ©房子和诗

改造后的“立新”与“存旧”-可逆的建造 摄影:柯剑波


The lattice accumulated from bottom to top, just like a breathing tree freely occupied the main elevation. The curvature of the lattice formation further blurred the boundary between windows and doors, on the other hand seamlessly blind with the arch shape of the Chengqing gate. This choice is firstly a response to the surroundings; secondly, it conveys a concept through a symbolic "structure" : Dougong and Arch are essentially the same. Both are essentially through support and cantilever to achieve the purpose of obtaining space. In addition, t he renovation of the building facade is reversible. And the original façade can be seen through the porous lattice structure.

拱形木构呼应澄清门石拱门-和而不同 摄影:柯剑波

大厅入口-菠萝格木构体系与室内空间关系 摄影:柯剑波


In terms of floor level, we retained the original level relationship of the site by constructing an additional platform to transit the overall space. This way also achieved spatial continuity. Between the buildings are arched door openings for running the platform. Such a rational and restrained design treatment unexpectedly enriches the space experience. At the same time to introduce more natural light into the dark rebuilt part, we replaced the original single pitch roof with a glass top. Different roof materials but in the same roof shape. These necessary design changes merging the historical value and modernity.

剖透视图显示出室内高差变化 ©房子和诗

功能及交通流线轴侧图 ©房子和诗

阅读室的高差变化 摄影:柯剑波

引入自然 —— 突破局限

梅庄民宿被周边建筑紧紧包围 ©房子和诗


The Meizhuang complex is surrounded by roads and surrounding buildings. We tried to break through the limitations and introduce more nature and landscape into the hotel. First of all, we enclosed the open atrium with glass to form a courtyard for visual appreciation. People can only enter the courtyard through a small door. Then we sacrificed a small part of the indoor space in exchange for a tiny courtyard under the entrance roof, which not only became the front yard of the Meizhuang Boutique Hotel, but also an open green garden facing the ancient town. Finally, we opened up a roof terrace to view the mountains and rivers.

引入景观与自然 ©房子和诗

中心景观庭院 摄影:朱浪进

入口景观造景 摄影:柯剑波


The wooden portals of the two buildings were also demolished and replaced with glass. This change was not only based on commercial strategy but more importantly, was to widen the horizon for interior space. There was no boundary between interior and exterior. Thus, putting people into the grand historical atmosphere of Meicheng.

接待大厅-观中央庭院 摄影:柯剑波

大厅回望 摄影:柯剑波

二楼休闲区望向窗外-古镇的历史就在窗外 摄影:柯剑波

二楼走廊看中庭上空 摄影:柯剑波

屋顶露台看远山 摄影:朱浪进



Meizhuang Boutique Hotel is just a small corner in the ancient town of Meicheng. Due to conservation purposes, the architect had very limited choice in the entire renovation process. We respect history, so the only part that was allowed to be rebuilt was carefully designed to retain the original spatial structure. This design method enriched special spatial experiences. Perhaps freedom is often developed from restrictions.

梅庄民宿俯视-隐于环境之中 摄影:柯剑波


We should sincerely and honestly reflect the past and the present. The existing ancient towns in China are similar to each other, and it is almost impossible to distinguish them from a few photos. Perhaps the transformation of ancient towns should have some modern development. Such a gradual change may bring in new vitality to the ancient town. Nowadays, merchants in ancient towns often renovated internally, but the exterior still retained the monotonous antique façade. In this case, just an exterior skin of the façade is retained, but the interior was completely unrelated. We chose a different design strategy in the Meizhuang Boutique Hotel renovation, which is to be very restrained on the internal design and renovation but with a refreshing exterior façade. That is, our contemporary architects' different thinking on the conservation and transformation of ancient buildings.

中心景观庭院俯视 摄影:柯剑波

改造完成后梅庄民宿鸟瞰-和而不同 摄影:柯剑波

梅庄外立面夜景 摄影:柯剑波

精酿餐厅大厅 摄影:柯剑波

精酿餐厅大厅 摄影:柯剑波

精酿餐厅局部 摄影:柯剑波

精酿餐厅吧台 摄影:柯剑波

阅读室老的桁架被保留-玻璃顶采光 摄影:柯剑波

阅读室-空间的流线渗透 摄影:柯剑波

包厢及茶室 摄影:柯剑波

楼梯间 摄影:柯剑波

客房室内-展现原有木结构 摄影:柯剑波

loft 客房室内 摄影:柯剑波

loft 客房室内 摄影:柯剑波

客房局部 摄影:柯剑波

客房局部 摄影:柯剑波

客房布局 摄影:柯剑波

二楼客房局部 摄影:柯剑波

客房浴缸区 摄影:柯剑波

活动室 摄影:柯剑波

项目用到主要材料 ©房子和诗

施工过程照片 摄影:朱浪进


总平面图 ©房子和诗

一层平面图 ©房子和诗

二层及阁楼平面图 ©房子和诗

沿街立面图 ©房子和诗

A-A剖面 ©房子和诗

B-B剖面 ©房子和诗

















2021-12-03 16:30:34






