
    德国gmp建筑设计有限公司 · 2021-10-13 11:46:14

福尔克温·玛格肖像 © Wilfried Dechau

gmp创始合伙人福尔克温·玛格将于2021年10月15日庆祝85岁寿辰。从20世纪六十年代的柏林泰格尔机场开始,福尔克温·玛格对德意志联邦共和国的建筑产生了深远的影响。今天,gmp·冯·格康,玛格及合伙人建筑师事务所是德国最大的建筑事务所,在全球拥有500多名员工。德灵与加里兹出版社现出版《灰雁效应——汉堡市与建筑师福尔克温·玛格》(Grauganseffekte. Hamburg und der Architekt Volkwin Marg)一书,展示了玛格先生对汉堡市所作的贡献。

On October 15, 2021, Volkwin Marg, founding partner of gmp, will celebrate his 85th birthday. Starting with the large Tegel Airport project in the mid-1960s, Volkwin Marg has made a major contribution to the archi- tecture of the Federal Republic. Today, gmp · Architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners is the largest German architectural practice with an international presence and over 500 employees. The publishers, Dölling and Galitz, are bringing out the book Grauganseffekte. Hamburg und der Architekt Volkwin Marg, which gives an account of Marg’s commitment to Hamburg.

港口新城手绘图 © gmp Architekten


In 1965, Volkwin Marg and his friend Meinhard von Gerkan from his student days founded the architects practice von Gerkan, Marg and Partners in Hamburg, which since then has completed over 500 projects all over the world, including stadiums, trade exhibition venues, railway stations, and airports in Europe, South America, Russia, India, Vietnam, and China.

内城河岛施泰根伯格酒店 © Klaus Frahm


In Germany, his practice’s work is evidenced by 280 projects loca- ted in all Federal States, many of which are located in Hamburg and Berlin. To date, about 200 gmp buildings have been completed internationally. Marg was active as an architect, an urban designer, and as a university lecturer; he was a committed political citizen and received many awards, including the Federal Cross of Merit and an honorary doctorate from HafenCity University.

基伯斯泰格桥 © Felix Borkenau


Only last year, in 2020, Volkwin Marg was awarded the Bürgermeister-Stolten medal by Hamburg’s Lord Mayor, Peter Tschentscher, in recognition of his many years of service to the Free and Hanseatic City of Ham- burg. Volkwin Marg is the first architect and urban designer to receive this honor.

文保建筑阿尔特瓦大街的重建与翻新 © MarcusBredt


—— 2020年9月24日,汉堡市长彼得·辰切尔博士就颁奖典礼致辞

“Volkwin Marg has contributed to Hamburg’s cityscape with outstanding buildings, including the Han- seviertel, the airport terminals, and the new Elbbrücken underground and overground stations. Together with Mayor Vorscherau, he developed the idea of Hafencity and thereby laid the foundations for one of the largest inner city development projects in Europe. Volkwin Marg has designed important buildings in international metropolises and, in this way, has put ‘Architecture made in Hamburg’ on the world map. In addition to his professional work, he is a keen advocate of the preservation of historic monuments. This commitment to his chosen home city of Hamburg is honored by the Senate with the award of the Bürgermeister-Stolten medal. I wholeheartedly congratulate Mr. Marg on this award.”

——Hamburg’s Lord Mayor, Dr. Peter Tschentscher,

on the occasion of the award on September 24, 2020

奥古斯丁养老院 © Klaus Frahm

易北河桥地铁及城铁站 © Marcus Bredt


In time for his 85th birthday, the publishers Dölling and Galitz are bringing out the book Grauganseffekte. Hamburg und der Architekt Volkwin Marg, which gives an account of Marg’s commitment to Hamburg. But he did not only leave architectural footprints in the city, he also stood up as a citizen–again and again–for matters of a civil nature, whether by way of an expert report promoting the city’s stronger support of its numerous waterways and basins, by committing to the rescue of the Lower Elbe Area, and by being instru- mental in the transformation of an entire port area to create the new HafenCity district.

汉莎购物商廊 © gmp Architekten

玛格对“他的“ 汉堡市的设计信条是:"城市居先,建筑居后"。在约60年的工作生涯中,玛格通过汉莎购物商廊、苏黎世大厦、阿尔特瓦大街改建等项目,特别还有对港口新城在城市规划方面的初步思考,在汉堡市留下了他的建筑印记。这本书使人们能够深入了解一位投入的、不断与政治和社会问题较量的城市规划师及建筑师的工作。

With regard to “his” city of Hamburg, Marg’s design motto is “First comes the city, then individual buildings”. With about fifty buildings in almost sixty years, Marg has made his mark on the city of Hamburg–with projects such as the Hanseviertel, the Zürichhaus building, the conversion of Alter Wall and, above all, with initial urban design considerations for HafenCity. The book provides an insight into the work of a committed urban designer and architect who continually engages with politics and society.

汉纳曼兄弟集团总部扩建 © Marcus Bredt

苏黎世大厦 © Klaus Frahm

汉堡渔市旁社保房公寓 © Heiner Leiska


Grauganseffekte. Hamburg und der Architekt Volkwin Marg

作者:Gert Kähler. 慕尼黑,汉堡:德灵与加里兹出版社,2021



Grauganseffekte. Hamburg und der Architekt Volkwin Marg

Gert Kähler, Dölling and Galitz Publishers, Munich and Hamburg, 2021. 360 pages, format 17 x 24 cm, hard cover.

ISBN 978-3-86218-148-3



1965年,福尔克温·玛格与曼哈德·冯·格康在汉堡共同创立了gmp·冯·格康,玛格及合伙人建筑师事务所。他于1979年至1984年任德国建筑师协会 (BDA) 主席,1986年到2003年受聘于亚琛RWTH工业大学建筑学院,接任城市区域规划与建造的教席。2012年,汉堡港口新城大学授予他荣誉博士学位。玛格是gmp基金会及建筑文化学院 (aac) 的联合创立人,致力于促进年轻建筑师的发展。玛格教授获奖众多,其中包括德国弗里茨-舒马赫建筑奖、汉堡自由艺术学院奖章、德国建筑师协会最高奖、德意志联邦共和国一等十字勋章以及汉堡汉萨自由市施托尔滕市长奖章。玛格设计建造的代表作品有慕尼黑欧洲专利局、莱比锡新会展中心、柏林奥林匹克体育场改建和屋面工程,以及南非世界杯(开普敦、德班、伊丽莎白港)和巴西世界杯(巴西利亚、马瑙斯、美景市)以及欧州足球锦标赛(华沙、基辅)的体育场馆。

Short CV

Volkwin Marg, Prof. Dr.-Ing.h.c. Architect

In 1965, together with Meinhard von Gerkan, Volkwin Marg founded gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects. From 1979 to 1984 Marg was President of the Association of German Architects (BDA), and from 1986 to 2003 he held the Chair of Urban Design and Material Studies at the Faculty for Architecture at Aachen Technical University. In 2012, Hamburg’s HafenCity University awarded him an honorary doc- torate. Marg is co-founder of the gmp Foundation and the Academy for Architectural Culture (aac) for the advancement of young architects, and he has received numerous awards, such as the Fritz Schumacher Prize, the medal of the Freie Akademie der Künste Hamburg, the Grand Award of the Association of German Architects, the Federal Cross of Merit, 1st class, and the Mayor Stolten medal of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. Marg’s best known buildings include the European Patent Office in Munich, the New Leipzig Trade Fair, the refurbished and re-roofed Olympic Stadium in Berlin, and the stadiums in Cape Town, Durban, Port Elizabeth, Brasília, Manaus and Belo Horizonte for the FIFA World Cup in South Africa and Brazil, and those in Warsaw and Kiev for the European Football Championship.

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