RIBA China Chapter 上海徐家汇书院设计之旅活动报名

    建筑现场 · 2023-08-07 09:20:05

RIBA China Chapter 上海徐家汇书院设计之旅活动报名

RIBA China Chapter将于8月8日周二下午16:00举办上海徐家汇书院设计之旅——建筑参观与设计分享会活动。

RIBA China Chapter is hosting ZIKAWEI Library Design Tour - Architecture Visit and Design Sharing session on Tuesday 8th August at 16:00.

RIBA China Chapter 上海徐家汇书院设计之旅活动报名

我们很荣幸邀请到书院建筑设计方David Chipperfield上海办公室项目副总监、PR经理杜喆煦先生分享项目的设计理念、结构施工和艺术创新,同时我们有幸邀请到书院室内设计方Wutopia Lab 副总经理、项目建筑师濮圣睿先生出席活动,两位嘉宾将一同带领我们打开这座建筑背后的精彩设计故事。

We are honored to have Zhexu Du, Associate and PR Manager at David Chipperfield Architects, the architecture designer of the library, to share the project's design philosophy, structural construction and artistic innovation. We are also pleased to invite Shengrui Pu, Assistant Manager and Project Architect at Wutopia Lab, the interior designer of the library, to join the event. Together, the two guests will take us on a tour of the building and unfold the fascinating design story behind.

RIBA China Chapter 上海徐家汇书院设计之旅活动报名

Photo credits © Wutopia Lab

RIBA China Chapter 上海徐家汇书院设计之旅活动报名


David Chipperfield


The Library’s architecture Lead Designer: David Chipperfield

2023 普利兹克奖得主

2023 Pritzker Prize Winner

戴卫·奇普菲尔德于1985年创立了戴卫·奇普菲尔德建筑事务所。1995至2001年曾任斯图加特国立美术学院建筑系教授,并于2011年担任耶鲁大学诺曼·福斯特建筑设计系客座教授。戴卫·奇普菲尔德在奥地利、意大利、瑞士、英国和美国等国大学广泛执教与演讲。2012年戴卫·奇普菲尔德担任第13届威尼斯建筑双年展策展人。2014年戴卫.奇普菲尔德被委任为意大利顶级家具品牌Driade公司艺术总监。 戴卫·奇普菲尔德是美国建筑师协会和德国建筑师学会的荣誉会员,海因里希.特森诺金质奖章、沃尔夫基金会艺术大奖和德国建筑和工程师协会颁发的DAI建筑文化大奖的获得者。2004年,戴卫·奇普菲尔德被授予大英帝国司令勋章(CBE)。2006年, 奇普菲尔德成为英国皇家工业设计师(RDI),并于2008年被推举为英国皇家艺术学院院士(RA)。2009年,他被授予德国联邦十字勋章。英国女皇陛下为了表彰戴卫·奇普菲尔德先生在英国和德国建筑领域的杰出表现,于2010年特封其为爵士。2011年,戴卫·奇普菲尔德被授予当年英国皇家建筑师学会(RIBA)金奖荣誉;2013年,日本艺术协会为其颁发皇家世界文化奖;2023年,获颁普利兹克建筑奖——该奖项在国际上被视为建筑界的最高荣誉。

David Chipperfield established David Chipperfield Architects in 1985. He was Professor of Architecture at the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Stuttgart from 1995 to 2001 and Norman R. Foster Visiting Professor of Architectural Design at Yale University in 2011, and he has taught and lectured worldwide at schools of architecture in Austria, Italy, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In 2012 David Chipperfield curated the 13th International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale. In 2014 he was appointed Artistic Director of the Italian furnishings firm Driade.
He is an honorary fellow of both the American Institute of Architects and the Bund Deutscher Architekten, and a past winner of the Heinrich Tessenow Gold Medal, the Wolf Foundation Prize in the Arts, and the Grand DAI (Verband Deutscher Architekten - und Ingenieurvereine) Award for Building Culture. David Chipperfield was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 2004, appointed a Royal Designer for Industry in 2006, and elected to the Royal Academy in 2008. In 2009 he was awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany and in 2010 he was knighted for services to architecture in the UK and Germany. In 2011 he received the RIBA Royal Gold Medal for Architecture, in 2013, the Praemium Imperiale from the Japan Art Association, and in 2023, selected as the Laureate of the Pritzker Architecture Prize – an award regarded internationally as architecture’s highest honour.


About David Chipperfield Architects

戴卫·奇普菲尔德建筑事务所成立于1985年,是一家国际知名的从事建筑设计,室内设计,城市规划,产品及家具设计的事务所,分别在伦敦、柏林、米兰、上海、圣地亚哥德孔波斯特拉设有办公室。作品涵盖了文化,住宅和商业等多个领域。事务所在中国的主要建成项目主要有:位于杭州的九树公寓、西溪天堂-悦庄、壹向大厦和良渚文化博物馆;位于上海的洛克外滩源项目,包括外滩美术馆和其它十处近代历史建筑的修缮改造设计。 目前事务所已赢得了超过五十个国家和国际级的大型设计竞赛,和超过一百个国际设计大奖及提名,包括 RIBA、RFAC 和 AIA 大奖,以及2007年英国皇家建筑师协会的斯特林奖和2011年欧盟当代建筑奖——密斯·凡德罗奖。 事务所的国际声誉一方面来自于我们不遗余力地投身于建筑创作的各个层面,另一方面来自于我们对设计理念完整实现的追求,使最终设计作品成为在建筑、社会和文化层面和谐的解决方案。

David Chipperfield Architects was founded in 1985 and has offices in London, Berlin, Milan, Shanghai and Santiago de Compostela. The practice works internationally on cultural, residential and commercial projects providing full architectural and interior design, master planning, product and furniture design services. Among the practice’s major works in China are Ninetree Village, Xixi Wetland Estate, Office Building Moganshan Road and Liangzhu Museum, all located in Hangzhou; the Rockbund Project in Shanghai, including the restoration and retrofit of Rockbund Art Museum and the other 10 historical buildings.
The practice has won more than 50 national and international competitions and 100 international awards and citations for design excellence, including RIBA, RFAC and AIA awards, as well as the RIBA Stirling Prize in 2007, and the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award in 2011.
The reputation of the office is established by both a commitment to the collaborative aspect of creating architecture and a strong focus on refining design ideas to arrive at a solution which is architecturally, socially and intellectually coherent.

RIBA China Chapter 上海徐家汇书院设计之旅活动报名

Photo credits © Wutopia Lab

RIBA China Chapter 上海徐家汇书院设计之旅活动报名


Yu Ting


The Library’s Interior Lead Designer: Yu Ting

生活家, 建筑师,美食家,专栏作家


Lifestyler, Architect, Gourmet, Columnist

Bachelor of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Tsinghua University; Doctor of Architectural Design and Theory, Tongji University; Professorate Senior Engineer; First Grade Registered Architect

Wutopia Lab创始人/主持建筑师













Founder of Wutopia Lab/Chief Architect

Founder of LeTalwork

Founder of Urban Humble Space Revival Plan

Member of Royal Institute of British Architects

Co-founder of 2018 Emerging Architect Award

Curator of Public Art Thematic Exhibition China Design Exhibition

Guest professor of Southeast University and Chongqing University

Adviser of Tsinghua University

City Planner of Shanghai Hongkou District North Bund Community

City Planner of Shanghai Xuhui District Fenglin Road Street Community

Member of the Architectural Culture Academic Committee of the Architectural Society of China

Deputy Director of the 3rd Shanghai Creative Design Workers Association-Architectural and Space Design Art Committee

RIBA China Chapter 上海徐家汇书院设计之旅活动报名

Photo credits © Wutopia Lab

俞挺在2021年获得Lux Life Leading designers awards领先设计师奖, 2019年HD-Wave of the Future Honorees,2019年度IDEAT Future Award的理想家年度设计师提名奖,2018年Frame awards-designer of the year,入选2017、2019、2021年《安邸AD》AD100榜单,2015年福布斯中国最有潜力建筑师。

In 2021, YU TING won the Lux Life Leading designers awards, the HD Wave of the future honorees in 2019, the ideal future award's Designer of the Year in 2019, and the frame awards designer of the Year shortlist in 2018. He was selected for the ad100 list of Andi AD in 2017, 2019, and 2021, and Forbes China's most potential architect in 2015.

RIBA China Chapter 上海徐家汇书院设计之旅活动报名

Photo credits © Wutopia Lab

关于Wutopia Lab:

About Wutopia Lab:

2013年俞挺与闵而尼创立于上海的Wutopia Lab,是一个以魔幻现实主义,创造日常奇迹的全球本地化先锋建筑设计事务所。Wutopia Lab以复杂系统这种新的思维范式为基础,以上海性和生活性为介入设计的原点,以建筑为工具,从而推动建筑学和社会学进步。Wutopia Lab曾在2022 The Plan Award中获Honourable Mention,在2022 DFA中获Merit,2021 Architizer A+ Firm Awards中获Special Mention:Best Young Firm,2020 IF Design Award,入选2017、2019、2021年度《安邸AD》AD100榜单, 2018年Archdaily评选的a selection of the world’s best Architects,以及Architectural Record 评选的Design Vanguard,是2018年度唯一入选的中国事务所。

Wutopia Lab was established by YU Ting and MIN Erni in Shanghai, 2013. It is a cutting-edge architecture studio that creates everyday miracles through magical realism. Based on a new paradigm of complex systems, Wutopia Lab regards Shanghai's culture and lifestyle as the starting point, using architecture as the tool to promote architectural and sociological progress within building practice. Wutopia Lab won Merit for DFA 2022 and Honourable Mention for The Plan Award 2022; it has also been selected by Architecture Record to be Design Vanguard as the only chosen office from China in 2018, Archdaily - a selection of the world’s best Architects, A Selection of AD100 List in 2017,2019 and 2021, 2020 IF Design Award, and Special mention: Best Young Firm for 2021 Architizer A+ Firm Awards.

RIBA China Chapter 设计之旅系列活动媒体合作伙伴:建筑档案

RIBA China Chapter Design Tour Event Series media partner: Architecture Archive

RIBA China Chapter 上海徐家汇书院设计之旅活动报名




RIBA拥有全球最丰富的建筑作品馆藏,珍藏着帕拉蒂奥、密斯凡德罗、格罗皮乌斯等对历史及人类社会有着深刻影响力的建筑大师的手稿、模型、工具、信件等,也记录了扎哈哈迪德夫人、大卫阿贾耶爵士等为当代建筑发展做出了卓绝贡献的建筑师们的作品。RIBA 非常自豪能够成为这些珍贵建筑收藏的守护者。


为了链接中国和全球建筑产业,RIBA向中国建筑师引介英国皇家特许建筑师会员RIBA Chartered Architect,是全球公认的最高标准建筑师认证之一。“皇家特许Royal Charter”是一种由英国君主签发的正式文书。拥有RIBA的注册建筑师会员,即拥有资格使用代表着建筑领域一定专业和道德标准的RIBA署名、头衔和徽章。该身份有机会与全球12支建筑师会员机构互认,为中国建筑师的代表们提供了更多在世界舞台展现魅力的机遇。

2023-08-07 09:20:05






